The Lit Pub

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The Lit Pub

Just came across this, but dunno what I make of it -

This be what they say of themselves:

"Our mission is to promote a sustainable literary community by introducing readers to authors we know and love. By providing a public gathering place for ongoing conversations, we aim to connect readers, authors, publishers, and other independent artists of all creative disciplines."

They're big on community, but I think it's more for publishers than for readers... Oh, you get to comment on stuff after reading what they say about things. It's new, so maybe it will grow into a different sort of beast.

The site is quite pretty though.

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Molly Gaudry has been very involved with the lit scene for some time now, and she came up with the idea for The Lit Pub a few months back, at AWP. She's always involved in projects such as this, and I've been excited about this one for a few months now. Also, she's a top-notch writer.
Tis true - I have heard many good things.
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