Lost Newbie trying to understand ?
I know I am the newbie on here , but it seems to me that this comments Malarky is ass about face?.
I posted a comment on Forums saying " Comments I aint got any " and had some great replies .
But the confusing thing is , I can't understand why does it have to be up to a newbie , to post comments on other writers work , before he gets any comments on his own . Ok It's is nice to be asked , but to be truthful as a newbie , I don't feel qualified to pass comments on other peoples work . I am not confident about my own stuff so why should I comment on something I know little about , for instance poetry someone suggested I wrote some . Well some poetry and by some I mean very little, has any meaning for me at all . Then again some hits a spot that stirs me , others I think what the ? . So I for one am far from a suitable person to comment on poetry let alone write it .
I would think a far better way of having comments that count for anything , would be to have a points system , the more points the more experienced you are on here . Only people with above a certain level can comment , except here in the forums but not on a writers page . That way the comments you get would be from people who do actually know what they are talking about , well that's the theory ?.
But that's not the way it's done on here , so if I tread on anyone's toes by putting my big foot in my mouth , let me appologise now and say sorry now .
Regards Clive .
"I will make sense with a few reads \^^/ "