Lost Newbie trying to understand ?

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Lost Newbie trying to understand ?

I know I am the newbie on here , but it seems to me that this comments Malarky is ass about face?.
I posted a comment on Forums saying " Comments I aint got any " and had some great replies .

But the confusing thing is , I can't understand why does it have to be up to a newbie , to post comments on other writers work , before he gets any comments on his own . Ok It's is nice to be asked , but to be truthful as a newbie , I don't feel qualified to pass comments on other peoples work . I am not confident about my own stuff so why should I comment on something I know little about , for instance poetry someone suggested I wrote some . Well some poetry and by some I mean very little, has any meaning for me at all . Then again some hits a spot that stirs me , others I think what the ? . So I for one am far from a suitable person to comment on poetry let alone write it .

I would think a far better way of having comments that count for anything , would be to have a points system , the more points the more experienced you are on here . Only people with above a certain level can comment , except here in the forums but not on a writers page . That way the comments you get would be from people who do actually know what they are talking about , well that's the theory ?.

But that's not the way it's done on here , so if I tread on anyone's toes by putting my big foot in my mouth , let me appologise now and say sorry now .

Regards Clive .

I know what you are saying Clive. I am a newbie as well, only 2 pieces posted thus far. I dont want to critique other's work, even when I feel I can, for fear of either offending or alienating people away from reading my work! Having said that, I have had 2 positive comments on each story (both of which pointing out I had apostrphe issues!) but mainly saying that they enjoyed my story. That made me so happy to have that on there, so I went and read a bunch of their work in return and on the ones I liked I said I liked them! I guess the feeling I get is that this isn't a place to get detailed constructive critiscm, but a community of people just wanting someone, anyone, to read their stuff. Dont expect too many comments, be thankful people are reading it! That is probably irrelevent drivel, but I hope it helps in some small way. Alex P.S I'm now heading over to read some of your work!
And apparently I have spelling/typing issues to! In my defence it is 0244 and I'm on the 5th of 7 shifts!
I'm a newbie too, and my take on this is as follows: Who am I actually writing it for? Myself alone? Then why put the work out there? The publisher? He won't be the one buying the book;)The critics? They've been proved wrong time after time. No,the people I am writing for are those who are in some way entertained or moved by what I write. And what a great place this is to start! All we writers need is someone saying "I like it" to make our day. So why not return the favour and read what you can of the other contributions on this site - all you need to say is that you like it - but only if you do:)
FTSE100 seems to have taken this as a personal attack , I posed the question that I did not feel qualified to post comments on other peoples work . He on the other hand feels that it is perfectly within standards to reach for the jugular at first contact. That is the type of comment that would put some people off from participating in this site , me well it's water off a DUCKS back . I write for fun not perfection ,I write to entertain not to inform , I write because at 60 years old disabled and retired , it gives me something to do other than watch the fizzy tablets clean my teeth at night?. I may not put the commas and punctuations in the right place , that's not through lack of education it's because half the time I don't bother to check properly . I am no JK Rowling ha ha ha I am not even a JR Hartly I am Me and I do this to have fun. Jennifer Pickup has been lucky enough to have her work unbelievable published wonderful , but I am not likely to be so lucky . As are hundreds of other writers on here , I am a realist . That is why I do not feel qualified to pass comments on other peoples dreams , I may say something that stops a person just having fun . Now I don't really know if I am reading the header bar of this forum correctly but it says New by the side of the posters name . I am unsure if that just means new comment or new member , so if it is the latter FTSE100 is not that qualified either to pass damming comments . He suggest's I may be a masochist ,I don't think so but I do so love a good rumble . Juniperus and shep5377 thanks for your comments well noted and taken in , and yes I do like it, it's fun and that's all I really need to know. Have a great day everyone . even you Footsee and stop taking yourself so seriously , you will give yourself a complex ?. regards and all that stuff (soon to be Committed ) Clive Pearson
NB I am not that good at typing either ha ha ha ..
Ah So sorry I got your name wrong Jennifer but there is no dam edit function on comments , but congratulations on the progress of your book . I shall be in line to get a copy at the book store when it comes out . Regards Clive
Oh Hello Ftse , it's because not everyone has your compassion and restraint in the things they say ?.
I hear what you say Blighter and I take no offence at whatever people say to be honest , I don't take myself too seriously . This I fear is something that others do not share on this forum , I understand that to have a comment passed that is glowing or not , can be instructional to a budding writer on here . But it just seems a little like the blind leading the blind , yes to have someone say something nice is great but for the others that do not are they really qualified to do so . As far as the punctuation an verbs or grammar is concerned that's why professional writers have proof writers , to put right their mistakes . I am no professional I am not even a reasonable amateur , and that is exactly why I should not pass comments on other peoples work . and neither should a lot of others on here . I am not an Idiot I do realise that a finished work should look and read as a professional work . But this is for fun on the part of most posters , not to become World authors . If you want to do that go to uni get a degree and study english then get a lit-agent . Yes Jennifer Pickup made it from writing on here , but how many members do you think there are, and how many do you think will ever become paid writers . Reality is a bitter pill when you have been told things that are just not true , there are people on here believe it or not that say anything just to have something to say . You may say " yeah your'e one of them " but I am saying just because of that I am not qualified to step on peoples dreams , and I am not on my own . Regards Clive
I am new on here to, and i only comment on the things i like, i wouldn't dream of writing anything negative about someone else writing, as people have different tastes in styles, 70 people have read one of my stories but only a couple of replies, which is fine, those people who did leave me comments made my day, and i was very grateful for that.
Ha ha ha see Blighter even Ftse says the same people sometimes do not agree and that,s fine , but maybe they should keep things to themselves ?
I give you a great example at comments that should not be made , J K Rowling had many of her books turned down , and by one agent was told to give up as people were not interested in such drivel . He was talking about Harry Potter , I would put a bet on him kicking himself now. I for one am so glad she took no notice of his drivel , I love the Harry potter books and the movies I have them all. ( this full stop without a space is just for Ftse ) But what would have happened if she had given up on his say so .
You know one of the funny things about this discussion is that FTSE 100 is one of the type of members on here with the impressive array of cherries , that I would have taken notice of . But if that's the type of comment one gets from an established member , maybe I was wrong .
I don't resent a thing Blighters rock , not at all. I was just taken aback by the ferocity , that FTSE came back with from a simple post . I was actually saying that I did not feel good enough to post comments about others work that's all . FTSE then proceeded to make a full frontal attack on me , so be it I thought Bring it on . I now think I may have been wrong as I never considered ego in the plan , still we all live learn and make mistakes . Regards Clive
FTSE was one of the first people to comment, on one of my poems when I was new on here and even though it was terrible and didn't really make sense, that it was good and different :) so if you give everyone a chance you will probably find you get mostly good and helpful comments. K

"I will make sense with a few reads \^^/ "

A good thread and I've read it with great interest. I'm the 'boss' here and have run the site for the past 12 years so here's some answers to your criticisms. First of all I like getting feedback - even if it's negative. We do change and evolve based on what members say! We don't operate a points system as this quickly becomes a series of cliques who 'big up' each other and the results swiftly have no relation to quality. The comments boxes are your invitation to write what you like - so long as it isn't outrageously rude. Sometimes a member gets a long and detailed crit, doesn't like it and goes off in a flout. That's their problem as far as I'm concerned. Feedback is what we all want as writers and anything from a simple 'I really like this' to a long analysis is welcome. Please don't feel that just because you are new you can't comment. You can and you should. Just remember this is first and foremost a community and, like any community, you tend to get back in relation to what you put in. You comment on someone's work and they are likely to comment on yours. Hang on in there and you may well be surprised by the reaction you get - good or bad! We've seen thousands of writers get better and better on here and we hope to see many thousands more!
Dearest Clive, you write - 'I am no professional I am not even a reasonable amateur , and that is exactly why I should not pass comments on other peoples work . and neither should a lot of others on here .' Everybody is qualified to comment on anyone's work, and to suggest otherwise is ludicrous. I spend time reading new members stories and the first thing I do is encourage them to get involved. The last thing I want to see is someone telling others they shouldn't. In fact, your statement is so outlandish and against the principles of building a community I find it hard to take seriously. So hats off to you for making me smile. And for everyone reading this thread, never ever ever be put off commenting on pieces of work. We are all equal, no one is more equal than others.
I am glad I made you smile Oldpesky , I certainly seem to have stirred up a kettle of fish with this one ? But let me put a scenario to you . Lets say that someone had seriously slagged off Jennifers book when she came on here , and it made her decide to stop writing . would that person have been responsible , or Jennifer for taking notice of someone who had less experience than she did ?. Plus even communities have rules about what one can or can not do , what's so outlandish about that. Also I am sorry to disagree with you but no we are not all equal, I am no were near as accomplished a writer as she is . As someone who has not had 40 years in the electronics trade as I have , who is a Baker trying to repair a Television set would not be equal to me in my field of expertise. I know I am no writer , I also know that there are many on here who are , and it would be nice to know who they are . Then a comment from the right direction could carry more weight .." Each to their own " Regards Clive
Khadi thanks for your comments , sorry you had a bad experience from your first comment and so glad it didn't make you give up . I have had some interesting useful and nice comments , and yes praise is nice and can be encouraging . But telling someone they can sing , when they sound like a Cat on heat is not . have you ever seen X factor LOL Regards Clive
I typed a long reply and then hit a button by mistake and deleted the lot, and now I'm in a bit of a huff. Can anyone offer advice on how not to do that in future? All comments welcome. In the meantime I'm heading back to Spring cleaning my house before Young Pesky batters me. Yes, I know I have my seasons mixed up, but no advice is needed on that one.
Some of you may have realised that I treat it all as a big joke , that's because life's to short to be serious. At 18 years old I was diagnosed with lung cancer, it destroyed everything about my life that I wanted to achieve at that time . I was a serving police cadet with the Metropolitan and it all came to an end overnight. I was not expected to survive 45 years ago cancer treatments were not known to be that successful , they removed the whole of my left lung and part of my bronchial tube . I was released from hospital after 6 months of learning just to stand up straight again. on Christmas eve 1969 six days after being released I was taken into Stafford Royal infirmary , where I overheard My doctor say to my parents " Death could occur at any minute " My thoughts were to be blunt " F**k that no way " A young Indian Doctor saved My life that night . So since then I have never ever been too serious about anything , myself least of all . I have 4 wonderful children a wife I would gladly die for , and a Grandson that is as mad as me . I have had Two business's and now run a popular website that is read all over the World . So I have seen life somewhat , but I still do not feel that it is my business to comment on things I know little about . Oh and if there are spelling mistakes punctuation errors , or any other type of Foo par in the above statement To slightly misquote another you may have heard of Margaret Mitchell " To be honest I don't give a dam " Have a great evening folks Regards Clive
'Life's to(o) short to be serious.' My sentiments almost exactly. Some things are serious. Like when are Celtic going to get their finger out. Like why has my car insurance gone through the roof even though I have seven years No Claims? Like why has everyone died and left me as the oldest in my family at such a young age? How long do I have left? These are the things that sometimes get me thinking. I'm sure others have similar tales. Enjoy the rest of your day, Clive. When all my household chores are complete I will try and catch up on some reading tonight, and maybe even leave a little comment or two.
Cheers Pesky .. left the Old out on Porpoise my friend lol ( yes and to those out there that say I spelled Purpose wrong no I didn't I meant the Mammal that is a close relative of the Dolphin lol ) Regards Clive
So FTSE said why is it you don't understand a single thing anybody says and i said who says i don't understand and he said i do so i said no you don't so there and he said i do and i said who says you do and he said i don't so i gave up writing.
Ha ha ha love it Fancy Pango but were's your punctuation lol
Hello, Clive. I am new here as well. I, like you, write to entertain, not to inform. I am not a literary artist, just someone who likes to write simple stories for the purpose of entertaining myself, and hopefully those that take the time to read it as well. I posted a story that I am working on because I want feedback, whether it be positive or negative. Not everyone is going to like what I write, and that is okay with me. I would like to think my skin is thick enough to take the good with the bad. If I get negative feedback, I would like to think I could take it and turn it into something positive, and possibly make my story better. I have commented on several pieces of writing on this site. I like to read what others write. After all, you must first be a reader to be a writer. If I read a story or poem and I liked it, why not let the author know? Just a simple statement such as, "I enjoyed this!" or "Very nice work." goes a long way. If I didn't like something I read, I just simply moved on. Maybe the piece was well written, but just wasn't for me for whatever reason. Not everyone is looking for someone to critique their work into the ground. It is just my opinion, but to ask others to read and comment on your work, without you giving the same courtesy to others seems a bit one-sided. I don't believe anyone here thinks that you MUST comment on other work to get comments, but you are more likely to get your work noticed if you do.
Hi cynthiae77 I do understand the principles of the post comment system, and to a certain extent agree with them . I just think it would be more constructive to have comments back , from people who know what they are talking about. I am quite prepared to be told about the faults to my writing as well as any good points . But if for instance people hold back or no comment on things that are badly written, how is that person ever going to know and should it be a newbie who tells them. Regards Clive
I like this. Everyone should have a cherry for this thread... atb ;)Pia
Ha ha ha ha Brilliant HighHat . been a long time since I had any cherries ? oops wrong age groups sorry lol
Dam I have just been reading some Of FTSE pieces and suck my tounge with a Dyson he's good really good. If he wasn't so pompous, arrogant , and could remove that stick from up his backside I might have even listened to him, Hindsight such a wonderful gift .
Well this thread almost seems synchronous as opposed to asynchronous. Good job there's no chatroom! Seriously though - when we post asynchronously we owe it to ourselves and everyone else to do our best in terms of accuracy. I have (and I am a newbie too Clive) commented on others submissions and have raised issue regarding this aspect - see my comments on Alexred's work for example. It does not take too much effort to run checks before posting it shows our concern for our craft. Clive, I hope that this is received in the way it is sent; why on earth should you not comment (newbie or otherwise)? Have the confidence in yourself to be realistic and constructive and it will be rewarded and reciprocated I am sure. Now then, to give you a chance to have a go..... have you read my first and one and only submission on here? Your read and comment would be hugely appreciated. Kind regards, Scratch.


Ok Scratch I think I am going to have to accept defeat over this issue maybe newbies should comment . I have seen your work and left a comment really liked your poem , and I don't often like poems at all . I commented on how Lavadis had never heard of Edward Teach ( Black beard to you and I ) I shall peruse further on your page and cast my pearls in your direction , be they of wisdom or insanity. Rgards clive
Good afternoon Clive. Hope you're well today. Just wanted to say you have inspired me to write a masterpiece. Unfortunately, it is so groundbreakingly innovative in terms of style and idea that it is too far ahead of its time to be fully appreciated, so I posted another instead. Hope you like a bit of it.
I quite agree but they wouldn't give a toss if you did, due to the fact they have "Made it " . But a slagging to a new writer that could have been another Hemingway, had someone not let their mouth run adrift would be a crime . Besides if they listened to Coldplay they probably desrve it ? PS wanna buy a Guitar ?
Is it an air guitar?? I have millions of them up here that I'm prepared to sell if the price is right and I know they're going to a good home. Air guitars aren't just for Christmas you know. Storage won't be an issue, they're easily packed away, and neither is postage, packing or delivery times. You can even try before you buy, and also take advantage of our 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back. If it's a Christmas present keep the receipt as proof of purchase, and I'll happily swop the guitar for any instrument required at no extra expense. Have I wandered off-topic somewhat? Time for a lie down.
Ha ha ha Pesky your crazy no doubt about it, I knew we had something in common ( Drools repeatedly from left side of mouth, whilst chewing a carrot. ) and now I know . No it's a real guitar trouble is it's only big enough for a garden Gnome, and it has made in China scrawled up the length of the stem , arm , fret stock whatever you call it ? I suspect one day we will see it on Bargain hunt with Tim Wonacott telling us it is an early Ming Plastic antique. Any how try Ebay for yours they buy anything on there dont you know? Regards Clive.
Just thought I'd join in and say what I think about comments: I post various things on various websites (here, youtube, places like that) in the hopes that people Will comment and give me feedback of any kind. Anything at all helps, even if they just say they like it. AND, if they don't like it, I can take what they didn't like about it, weigh it against my feelings on it, and perhaps change it. That helps me advance myself. I actually don't mind too much if people don't particularly like my work if they are reasonable about it. I enjoy it, in a way. The problem is when people say negative things (e.g. "This is really disappointing. It's more a rough draft than anything else.") without being able to explain (or, perhaps, simply refusing to) WHY they didn't like it, or WHAT they didn't like about it. That is completely unhelpful, and also (in my opinion) fairly childish. Of course, after posting on youtube for over a year, I have developed a thick skin in regards to cruel comments (as tends to happen after about the third requesting that you slit your own throat).


Hear you Jimmy that's the trouble some people are just a-holes and only comment to cause trouble. Thats what made me wonder if not all people,unless they had a proven record should comment . But I appear to have lost this one and have to agree with the majority, that all comments can be good comments one way or the other have a great day . Regards Clive
Clive, that was a brilliant idea of selling my wares on ebay. You're right, they'll buy anything there. Demand was so great overnight I almost ran out of stock, and by 3.30am I'd become a millionaire. Unfortunately, I was sleeping at the time and didn't know about it until now. Even more unfortunate was the fact every customer took advantage of the money-back guarantee, so by 8.30am I was skint again. Jimmy, I've read few comments on youtube before and couldn't help but think everyone is about twelve years old and learning how to swear. Come to think of it, I even uploaded a video once. I wonder if anyone's actually watched it.
Ha ha ha Pesky you'd never make a Dragon lol
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