Experiences in the world of "not quite publishing"
I have been approached by a "publisher" whose name I will not mention twice now to have my work featured in their "publication". They have asked if they can feature a poem in a collection and then a large series of poems. This is the kind of publisher who "makes no money" from the publications but who ou have to pay to get a copy of the book containing your work....
I called them today after they sent me (unsolicited) a proof of my poem for proposed publication. The proof suggests to me a rabbit prepared it and I presume one of his big floppy ears got into his little bunny eyes whilst he was doing this tricky job. It was not the best effort.
So I called them (why not) and a helpful man (I expect the rabbits are only used for proof reading) told me that they get their money from people buying the books their work appears in, they make no profit and they will include "almost" everyone's work that is ever submitted to them. They do turn some down (possibly work that involves cooking rabbits since this would frighten their proof readers.
I have thrown their letter in the bin. I then got it out, jumped on it twice and threw it in the bin again.
Are you with me - better surely never to get published than to be exploited in this rather predatory manner...