Freelance Proofreader Available

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Freelance Proofreader Available


My name is Ross and I am a freelance proofreader who has just relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area. I am in the process of building my résumé and would like to add fiction of all genres to my experience. I will proofread a chapter of anything you are currently writing at no charge (including works of non-fiction). Materials should be no shorter than ten pages and no longer than thirty pages. I will return pages to you with corrections within 48 hours. In exchange, I ask that you allow me to add your name and the title of your work to my résumé. I will not plagiarize your work or share it with anyone else. Feel free to email me at sends e-mail) if you are interested.

Thank you for your kind attention,


Thank you so much Richard! I truly appreciate your kind words of encouragement.
Why don't you spend a couple of hours reading a selection of work on here and show us instead of telling us what you can do? Look at it as a marketing strategy and investment for future custom.
I would be happy to do that Trainspotter. Is there a way to attach files to messages on this site? If there is, I can show you a sample of my work using one of the recent stories posted on this site. If I can't post a file, I'm not sure how I can show you changes...
Good idea - I'll get on that right away. Thanks!
Ross, tell me something of your experience that might encourage me to give a shit, not that I pre-judge or anything. I have proof read hundreds of pages, no thousands... And yet? Well several thousands anyway. but a lot. I'll tell you what, post something that might convince me/us and maybe, just maybe...... And not factual.. fictional about what you want.


Ok Ross read my most recent submission and proof read it and then post a comment, I look forward to your efforts. No aggression or insult intended - genuine.


tic toc....


I've picked a random story. It's quite long, but I'm sure a few chapters would do.
Oops, looks like scratch has beat me to coming up with a challenge.
As requested: Ross, tell me something of your experience that might encourage me to give a shit (not that I pre-judge or anything). I have proofread hundreds of pages, no thousands, and yet... Well maybe not several thousands but a lot. I'll tell you what - post something that might convince me/us and maybe, just maybe... This is how I would alter your first submission, scratch. I would have to ask you about what you were attempting to communicate in your last sentence as a comment rather than an alteration. I appreciate your test and hope that I meet your standards. I understand that you don't intend to be aggressive or insulting, but there is no need to curse at someone who is making a friendly offer to help. I don't claim to be the greatest or oldest proofreader out there. My only intention is to offer writers who might be interested a second set of eyes in exchange for the right to mention them and their work on my résumé. If you don't need or want the extra help, I won't force you to take it.
As requested I have proofread the following: CHAPTER ONE The environmental health officer feigned going to the lavatory and escaped through a window. He stuffed the onion in his pocket and as he fell onto the grass, he bumped into nothing, who promptly asked to borrow ten pounds before the officer continued on his way. The officer brushed his suit down and put his wallet away; it could be of no further service. Leaving behind a heap of pamphlets about contamination risk, a contact telephone number and a riot was about as much as any decent first grade environmental health officer of the Public Relations Department who had never lost a crowd could do. The sleepy village of Walston, situated in a picturesque landscape deep in the heart of Drusbashire, boasts many splendid walks, undiscovered forests and, among other such quaint gems, reportedly the last known sighting of the Sasquatch. Walston was a sleepy little village; thus Walston got back to its usual business of being a sleepy little village. Yet many questions remained unanswered, such as: Was a rainy brain a super power? Why were Walston pigeons so downtrodden? And just what was the reason behind Libya’s trains being overrun with shoddy homosexual seamen? It was also noted in the Walston Gazette that the butcher was a serial sex pest and that a spotty youth fractured his skull whilst leaping from a barn with his pockets inexplicably full of condoms. END OF SELECTION I took some liberties with changing words and clarifying meanings because I could not have a dialogue with the author. If I were proofreading for this author, I would have asked him to clarify what he was trying to say in certain cases and whether he intended his location to be Walton, Derbyshire as opposed to Walston, Drusbashire. I only proofread Chapter One because of time constraints. Please look at the original and compare it with my version. If you require more examples of my work, please let me know.
Thank you, Ross, I'm sure now potential clients will enjoy seeing an example of what you can do. Best of luck.
Thank you Trainspotter. I appreciate your challenge and suggestion. All the best to you as well.
Rossn, Please don't take offense (although I can see why you quite reasonably would), regarding my earlier posts. I normally think before hitting the send key - on this occasion my usual circumspection deserted me. Please accept my unreserved appologies for what, on reflection were totally undeserved and uncalled for comments. Sorry, Scratch.


Thank you for clarifying, scratch. It happens to the best of us. I gladly accept your apologies and wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.
Luck.... Me? Rossn, if I fell into a barrel of tits i'd climb out sucking my thumb. But thanks for your very generous magnanimity regarding my earlier.


Well that's an expression I hadn't heard before. There's so much to learn on ABCtales ...


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