My Book, Out April 30th. I'm Happy as a Clam

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My Book, Out April 30th. I'm Happy as a Clam

Hey folks, not really sure if this the right forum to post this in but ah well.

I've got an ebook coming out on April 30th (probably)It's an evolution of a few chapters of Cigarette I wrote on here on what feels like a life time ago!

I'm super duper excited for it coming out, obviously, and I just wanted to let you folks know about it, because you've always been lovely to me and even though I've come and gone a few times, I've always felt like part of the family.

It's a crime/humour novel, very violent, very darkly funny, noir style, about an ex-criminal and his missing finger, his drink problems, and his awful habit of ruining his own life. If that sounds like your cup of tea, you need help, but you should check out the book, first.

There's more info below if you're interested: is external)

And here's it on Amazon, pre-order at the mo: is external)

I'll probably post again on release day as a little reminder... but for now I'm trying to build up a bit of a buzz and wanted to let you lot know first.

Thanks again everyone. I love you all. In a strictly platonic way. Mostly.

Well done!


Excellent news! Congratulations malicious one.


Fantastic news. I'll look out for it.


Thanks so much folks! I'm over the moon.


Great news. Congratulations. Hope it's a huge success. Rich


Congrats, Mudskip, well done.
And so you should be, it is what I aspire to myself. I know that I would be thrilled too. P.S. exactly how happy IS a clam? ;D


Thanks everyone. I hope that you get the success you're looking for soon Scratch! I've always loved your stuff.


Congratulations, Mudkip!


well done. I'll buy a copy.


That is super-cala-fraga-listic-expe-ali-docious.Congratulations Mudkip. I'll be buying.


Thanks so much folks. :) Again, haha, can't say it enough.


Well done Mudkip. I take me hat off to you! Will look out for your book. Love to hear ABC success tales. Linda


new MaliciousMudkip Fantastic news I'll buy too! Brill: cavalcaderl julie
Thanks muchly folks!