Steve Webb's reforms to state pension - you're opinions

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Steve Webb's reforms to state pension - you're opinions

From 2016, entitlement to a state pension will depend on an individual's own contributions, rather than the employment record of their spouse.

The Government keep trying to divert peoples attention by talking about how it will effect spouses abroad but it will effect ordinary UK pensioners aswell.

What do ABCtaler's think?

I've been contributing most of my life (apart from those ten years in prison) and I've not once used one of those nucleur weapons I've been paying up on the sly. I think in the interest of fairness we should nuke Brighton. Get our money's worth. And Brighton is tacky.


I really hope they don't nuke Brighton; I was planning on going to Brighton for my summer holidays this year; really looking forward to seeing Brighton Pavilion as well.
Except that people like my old man who will have paid in some 50 years of contributions when or should I say if he ever gets his pension could end up getting less than someone 3 days younger who will be on the new system and will have to pay in many less years worth of contributions. Fair? No it is not. And if those people with non British or non contribution paying spouses paid their contributions on the understanding their spouses would benefit then withdrawing that pension element now is not fair either these people paid for it. And leave Brighton alons, Moody Blues playing there in June and I've bought the tickets! I'm grumpy now. Linda


You probably only want to nuke Brighton because you're a Palace supporter


No Karl... Us Palace supporters are gentle souls.... Linda


I've been to Brighton. I think its already been nuked!


Yet again the Tories revert to like: Polls starting to look dodgy Dave? So they roll out yet another quasi-nationalistic (dare I say racist) policy to appeal to the knuckle scrapers. It will be the equivalent of a drop in the financial ocean, but they don't even think about clawing back the gazillions owed by the big players and other multi-nationals. I am tired of their divisive, supremely effective modus.


Yes Scratch, another badly thought out ill-prepared policy to bash the ordinary person with. They will do anything to avoid their mates in the Banks and other big business having to lose money. After all, most of them will be hoping to get a job in one of these tax-avoiding institutions when they eventually get chucked out of the government! Linda
