Update on Richard's Sister - Susan Grech June 2, 2013

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Update on Richard's Sister - Susan Grech June 2, 2013

Hello everybody---I just found out from my oldest sister-Bonita, that my youngest sister-Susan, is to be released soon to continue recuperation in my third sister-Patricia's home. The miracle that your prayers helped bring to pass has taken place, and my wife-Esther and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Sincerely, from the two of us'

PS. I am going to take a hiatus from posting my work, but can still be contacted via my ABC site. Take care, folks.

Wonderful news, Richard. Glad to hear this. Rich


Yes, Rich. We are very happy to receive the great news. Thank you for your support. Richard and Esther
Richard L. Provencher
What a fabulous piece of news to start the week. I am so happy for you and your family, Richard. Susan will remain in my prayers. Moya
That's put a smile on my old face Richard. Really wonderful news. 8-D


Brilliant news. A good news start to Monday! Linda


Great news, Richard.
Great news, Richard. My thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family.
Thank you so much, dear ABC friends. Yes, we are all excited she came through all her ups and downs, from full removal of one lung, all of her esophagus, repairs and rebuilding of her voice box, scraping cancer from her aorta, doctor-induced coma for several key operations, replacement of esophagus with tissue and medical contraptions, emergency operation on joint area between two lungs, and enduring much pain, but came through, again because of prayers---she had a 20% survival chance, and now she is coming home in the very near future, possibly a few weeks to continue her recovery. And I was complaining the other day because one of my toe nails was digging into my big toe! Love and hugs, to all our friends. Richard and Esther.
Richard L. Provencher
That is the BEST news I've heard for a long while Richard. My thoughts are as always with you and your family.


Great news Richard! All best wishes to you, Susan & Esther!


Thank you jolono and Kilb50. A toast to Susan. R and E.
Richard L. Provencher
new Richard L.Prov So pleased Richard,great news,best wishes to you,Esther and Susan. Blooming miracle! I'll keep prayers going,and in our hearts. julie x
Thank you so much for those prayers, Julie. Richard
Richard L. Provencher
Great news Richard. Very relieved.

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