FTSE100/Footsie/Paul's Sighs of a Mouse - proceeds from the book
Mon, 2013-10-21 12:52
FTSE100/Footsie/Paul's Sighs of a Mouse - proceeds from the book
Well, finally Paul's Sighs of a Mouse is out and available. I think Paul would be pleased. As he said himself:
When I am Gone
Just boil me up and make a tasty stew
Or compost me the good old-fashioned way,
With clockwork motors make me live anew,
Inflate me and just watch me float away.
Once I am gone, please use me as you will,
My body is no further use to me;
The thought of being buried makes me ill,
So light me up and make a Christmas tree.
If it gives any comfort to my heirs,
Put fireworks in my ears and up my nose,
Don’t insult me with piety and prayers,
Just call me names by any other rose.
When I am gone, play football with my head,
For if you don’t, I might as well be dead.
You can play football here :))
UK Bookshops (incl. Amazon UK)--> http://www.best-book-price.co.uk/Product-266239/1905796323-The+Sighs+of+...
Barnes and Noble --> http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-sighs-of-a-mouse-paul-chappell/11171...
There's a great review by David Gardiner of Gold Dust here --> http://www.ukapress.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=173
It would be great if, if you enjoyed the read, you could leave a review too.
I am so pleased that UK Authors have produced this book. I have read David Gardiner's review and it is, as you say 'great.' I will be putting the book on my Christmas list and when I get it I will certainly leave a review. I too was a big fan of Paul's work although I admit I didn't read as much of it as I would have liked. This was because, in the main, I have a limited amount of time to read other peoples' work so I tend to read those that comment on mine first and then, I'm ashamed to say, I usually don't get round to doing anything more.
I know it's been said many times already but I hope Paul is now enjoying the peace he was denied while he lived.
Thanks very much Moya and MU. I am still quite devesated by Paul's death and there are many times when I wish I could talk to him as I used to. Reading a snippet maybe, and thinking 'Oh, Paul would like this!' and then realising that he is no longer here. I hope reading Paul's words will help people with mental health issues, as he would have wanted it to.
Fantastic news. I just ordered my copy from Amazon. (www.amazon.co.uk)
Hi guys, I have just sent out a newsletter here, if you're interested --> http://ymlp.com/zTdSTL
I've been exchanging heated email with Amazon for days now (they're a nightmare!), as I uploaded the Search Inside! content and cover files for Sighs ages ago. But finally, the facility has appeared...
Can't stand Amazon, they're a right pain to work with, but I do like the Look Inside feature.
Only 5 left in stock, but they're ordering more :)
Paul would be chuckling...
Just seen Paul's book avalable in Australia at 32.49 bucks a pop!
That's almost 19 qiid! Don't dp it (buy is here instead, for 8 quid :) --> http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1905796323/ref=nosim/bestbook-21?dev-t=D10SBASHC4I9Q1&m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&SubscriptionId=1BW5SQWXHT1FXDBZGW02&tag=bestbook-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=1905796323
How do they justify that?!
I'd like to sincerely thank all of you who bought Paul's book. If you enjoyed it (if that's quite the right word), perhaps you might like to leave a review on Amazon, I know Paul's family would really appreciate it...
Just had this marvellous review sent to me, and thought I would share it with you all. It's such a shame that none of the mental health professionals of organisations that I wrote to saw fit to even read a copy...
The Sighs of a Mouse.
(a review)
This book of essays by Paul Chappell is a revelation. It's a brilliant piece of writing, depicting the innermost thoughts of someone who was suffering not only from a debilitating condition for 30 years, but who had also suffered at the hands of those who should have tried to help him. He writes in a style which is both humorous and satirical, and one which holds the readers interest throughout. It made me look at some very ordinary daily occurrences in an entirely different way, a way in which it would not have occurred to me before reading Paul’s book. As a retired psychiatric nurse I wonder, had I known Paul, if I would have been able to help him, or would the constraints of the current mental health services have prevented me from being of any assistance to him?
I feel that his works are an indictment on society as a whole, but in particular on those of us who are supposed to be able to help, and who seemed to have been of little, if any, assistance to him at all. Throughout his writing one can recognise the severity of his depression, his gradual decline, and the way in which he had been forced to live with it. He expressed many of his thoughts in such a way that one could not help feeling his loneliness and desperation, and his courage and determination to end it all. His book should be read by those who profess to be experts in the field of psychiatry, and by those who are fellow sufferers. We can all of us learn a great deal from Paul’s essays.
I often wonder if things have really changed over the centuries. Paul’s writing illustrates anew our lack of understanding about illnesses that affect the mind, and our apparent unwillingness to discard stigmatisation. Instead of trying to improve services for the mentally ill, some of the best hospitals have been closed and converted into luxury homes in order to swell the coffers of the treasury. The result is that many sufferers are forced to live in unsuitable establishments and in solitude, with little or no support. How many more people like Paul, who eventually reach the end of their tether, see their only hope in ending it all?
One can only admire Paul for writing about his life with such courage, whilst still displaying such a sense of humour, despite all his tragic difficulties. I would recommend this book to anyone, but especially those who are in a state of mental distress. And even more so to those who profess to be experts in the field of psychiatry.
As a final thought: Thank you Paul, RIP.
Ernst- Wilhelm Peters, 06-02-2014.
I've just received this review from author and music producer Graham Sclater. I thought you'd like to hear it.
I thought you might like to know that after much thought and discussion with Paul's family, and bearing in mind the complete lack of response and obvious disinterest from the UK mental health organisations, we have decided to donate the proceeds from Paul's book to pancreatic cancer research. It's not a 'fashionable' cancer and receives minimal finding. I have written to these people and will keep you updated...http://www.pcrf.org.uk/
I think Paul would have approved.