crazy idea

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crazy idea

i know ABC tales have get togeather. but not all of us can get to. now  there book clubs. what i mean is that we all write on this site and very few if any of us meet up. i know we got the forum. but  i am sure some of us must live in the same town area. just now and again to get togeather to talk about our work on here. i know it may sound a  crazy idea. it would be  nice to  see some rl people. all our words are wonderfully. but there nothing like face to face. it might not work what do people think. ( oh yes if you write and your  from mars you might not want to join in as  where would you park the spaceship. hey humour always helps)


thank eveyrone for looking at this maggie

I think it is a good idea.  Groups could adopt the style of the bigger nights and do readings which could build self confidence.


Yes, I agree.


hi what a good idea denzell maybe we could put where we all live to see who near who. where does eveyrone live people away live far away from me i am in swindon, you might of guest by the name. and your right it would give people the self - confidence we all  need now and again. how many more people can we get to do this.


It's a great idea.


Yes, a great idea. You never know who lives nearby. My wife, Esther and I, live in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Richard L. Provencher

smileyHi Richard and Esther,


I sadly do not live in Canada, but wish I did and would happily want to meet you :)))) One day I hope to travel to Canada,Niagara falls my first port of call, but like my writing just a pipe dream I think lol.


Hopefully there are people on here near you both :)



take care



smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

Niagara Falls is beautiful, Trish. My wife and I spent part of our honeymoon there. One day your wish will come true. Pray for it. Cheers, from Esther and I.

Richard L. Provencher

Yes I am with you on this. I know swindon (I was born there) but now live in the Cotswold near Stroud.

Julian Robinson

hi richard small world a friend of mind use to live in truro too. crazy point i once sent her a card did not have her address just her name  and the name of the town and that no post code it go tto her. right we need some people in canada. hi julian did you  born in swindon small world. any idea people of how to get this moving would be great.


hugs to all maggie


I would start by finding a suitable venue, then decide how often to meet say once a month and then ask for people to add their name to the atttendance list for each meeting and take the names of people willing to read.  Then the amount that will be charged on the night.  That way you will know if you are not going to cover expences.  I hope this helps.



hi thanks it does  we really need more people  near everyone i think. i don't drive  so swindon would be mind thing.but cant get this moving until  we get more people as they say rome was not made in a day .

so let start with a list of people on here i think 1 a month would be good. good idea denzella any more

had another idea but it gone again grrrr


hugs maggie


Hi Magggie, my wife Esther and I moved to Truro, 27 years ago---a lovely province---90% forest---pop. around 900 thousand. Esther is from New Brunswick, and I was born in Quebec. We met in Ontario 39 years ago and married three months later. We have children and grandchildren all across Canada.  

Richard L. Provencher


I think this is a good idea (possibly hidden from many under the forum title of 'crazy idea'). One option to get it rolling would be to start a new forum post, called something like 'local meet-ups' or 'where do you live?' or something more specific. There was one a couple of years ago and it got quite a few responses.

Alternatively, there will be a way of everyone including their location in their ABCTales account info, although this would require some web development work which may not be possible or desirable for various reasons.

For what it's worth, I'm in Harrogate most of the time so within easy reach of Leeds and York, although I can't go to the York evening sadly. I'm also in London a fair bit too.

crying  I thought that you were a dead cert for the 1st February Alex?  


Please don't cry! Sorry, but something has come up and I can't do anything about it. I did want to go. It looks like there will be a fine turnout of the great and the good of ABC.

thank you alex yes that is a very good idea. i will get on it. when i feel better i will try  i got terrible flu at the moment hi to all. maggie


yessmiley Hi Maggie, I hope your well., You made me laugh with mars joke.


Its a great idea, as not everyone can travel to London for meets. I have wanted this for years, lets us all make it happen where possible.


take care



smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

HI thank you all yes me and the flu is horrible i am taking all your comment on board. and hi tish yes some people say i am a bit well from another plantet. yes tish we will get this going. i love to know who gave bugs to people lol  and richard sound lovely  where you live awwwww we have grandchild too.. made me think of a little line for you.  underneath the tree i breath, i hear the sounds  of the days, as the sound of the leaves carry me away off until  a another lovely day.  that just came to me for you richard. hey want my writing brain take me it take me i have to say. when i feel more better. oh does anyone know if this site has a facaebook page i just wonder.

hugs to all have a good day night evening  go crazy  and watch out for little green man

hugs maggie


smileyHi Maggie, I hope you feel more like yourself soon :))))we are all rough by what I read lol.


Hopefully we will all over where ever we live meet up, even if its just 3 of us at a time lol.


Yes abctales does have a facbook page, but I try not to go on facbook lol but have seen the site and a great site love what the guys have done to it, worth going on. I just type in‎ that should take you to the site, I have just copied it for you Maggie, sorry if not lol.

I love sentences you said for Richard, beautiful :))))) your really talented.


take care

smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

Maggie, I just tried the link for you, but it said 'sorry this is unavailable' so if you type in abctalesfacebook on your search engine&click it will take you to Facebook page. If not the professionals on here will give you a direct link. Hope this helps.




take care

smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

I'd park my Tardis behind a snowdrift. What you imply is the need for a group. I have tried several writing sites and the heavy handed comment requirements or that there are many writers and very few readers drove me away. I try to write positive and instructive comments knowing the ghost of E. B. White is looking over my shoulder. I believe in reciprocating to all who comment on my fiction. I'm not a great writer and I know it, so any comment is cherished. I prefer writing short humor tales. I like beer, but I don't like long walks on the beach because its Winter. What did the fis say that swam into the wall?


hI aLL

i will look at this again and read all your comment again. sorry life got in the way but i still think its a good idea. but due to the the way life is now . mabye we could find other way to do this any ideas.


maggie keep safe all 



Until about six years ago this would have been great for me as I lived in Devizes and before that Chippenham. It's still a great idea but I've moved so I would need a different group of people to meet with. So, for anyone else who is living in Central Bulgaria, please pop round to my house for a cuppa any time you like.


We do have virtual reading events which have all been excellent fun (not to mention the talent). Keep an eye out on our front page for the next one - we would love to have you all read!


Thank you very much for letting me know. Sounds good. I'll look out for that.


ty for your comment great idea  read online, covid has got to us all i think who knew the world would be crazy for 2 years going into 3.

