useful inventions

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useful inventions

i might be going off on one here cos it’s very late and i can’t sleep. i was thinking that it would be very useful to have a sleep machine.

this set off a trail of thought that says nothing genuinely and impressively useful has been invented for at least a decade. [the internet is fun, but it's not on the list of man's most useful inventions.]

most new inventions are just modifications of existing ones – the first car would have been impressive, but the first car with a tilt and slide electric sunroof? similarly other things – history will celebrate the first phone and telly but not the first phone that played Wonderwall as a ringtone, or the first nicam surround sound cinematic flatscreen i want to know what *should* we invent instead of all this pointless guff, and what was the last proper invention that was any real use?

[sure I’ll regret this when I read it after getting up at 2pm tomorrow...]

Anonymous's picture
Stylish intelligent clothing, with special sensors that respond to outside stimuli. So when its cold they keep you warm, when its hot they keep you cool, and when its raining they keep you dry.
Anonymous's picture
Fort you had feathers, Seagull?
Anonymous's picture
like to invent a bra that was so comftable didn' feel like you were wearing one. not classed as useful maybe but would be appreciated by a lot of women.
Anonymous's picture
and a house that enabled 3d projections in various themes,been done i think. could add sound, smell etc. or just go out...or use imagination, cd and bottle of smelly stuff. hmm..
Anonymous's picture
useful inventions would be in medical field. like to invent a device that gave automatic diagnosis and prescribed tailor made treatment. prev. known as a doctor, ha. or electrode implants to enable paralysed people to walk. already started on that.
Anonymous's picture
saw also that sony or someone is saying they have invented a phone that takes pictures. turns out it is a phone with a camera attached. is it an invention just to stick 2 things together? may as well glue a camera to this chair and claim to have invented a chair that takes pictures...
Anonymous's picture
How about a headache free woman?
Anonymous's picture
automated excuse generator: type in the nature of your transgression and it supplies you with an assortment of first-rate excuses tailored to your specific needs.
Anonymous's picture
Yes, but there's already an automated complaints generator, Thyme, so it wouldn't really ne a new invention, just an extension of an already existing one... And Missus, ditto man?
Anonymous's picture
i should like a Dream Recorder please ... some of them merit a replay ... and some are entirely forgotten ... oooh i might write a story about this ...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
As Homer Simpson once said, "People don't like new inventions. You should have just taken something that already exists and put a clock in it. " Fish - I read something once about lucid dreaming, where you can train yourself to become aware once you are dreaming and create the dream yourself, by deciding what you would want to happen next. Is hard to achieve - you need to start recalling everything you have done/thought about in the last ten minutes (when awake), keep doing this until you build up huge levels of recall and then you start getting more control over your dreams. It does work, but is bloody hard work. Nanotechnology is worth looking at if you want to be awed by science Robert - difficult to tell how much is possible and how much speculation, but it is impressive nontheless. Try Eric Drexler's "Engines of Creation" - the meat machine where you put grass and chemicals in a box and it knits a steak for you is pretty impressive.
Anonymous's picture
An automated excuse generator would at least serve as an antidote to the automated complaint generator. We could set both machines side by side and let them battle it out. Ah, perhaps the invention could be a kind of WWF for complaint-excuse generators. It would have to be at least as interesting to watch as snooker. I've seen dust settle with more enthusiasm than those snooker matches. In college I knew Mitchell Kapor, the guy who founded Lotus Devleopment. At the time he was a wacked out "revolutionary" pursuing his dream of inventing a machine that would transmit music directly into the brain, bypassing actual sound. It had something to do with electrodes etc. If you had known him back then, you would probably have concluded along with me and everyone else that music was not the first thing he had experimented with injecting directly into his system. Anyway, Lotus is no more and the machine does not exist; we still use sound and ears. but it was a thought.
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