log in problems?

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log in problems?

two people have mailed me saying the site wont let them log in on their new accounts ... (have been touting for business) ...

anyone else having log in problems?

Anonymous's picture
No, Liandrea, all the addling has knitted me brain...HAHA. Anyway fish is my friend... Can you make sense of anything on half a quayboard? *Going for a lie down in a darkened room*
Anonymous's picture
I STILL can't get on. No real error message. I go to login, enter the information, the message says I'm logged in, but when the next page refreshes it says I'm not logged in at the top.
Anonymous's picture
everytime i clog in someone hears me coming. that is why mints are better than cookies. cookies crunch you see. it's better to suck.
tom saunders
Anonymous's picture
Can't log in. Can't get any reply to my e-mails to the site. Arrrrrrg!
Anonymous's picture
hang in there tom ...
tom saunders
Anonymous's picture
I'm hanging, banana girl. But to no avail.
Anonymous's picture
Still got exactly the same problem as SJ. AND I've re-enabled me cookies...
Anonymous's picture
well i suggest we all go on strike til it's sorted ... *makes placard*
Anonymous's picture
Which you do, dear. Big time...
Anonymous's picture
Andrea, you're sharper than one of my needles.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Oh no, the poets are on strike ! Britain's balance of trade plunged into disarray. Fish, if you're striking as a poet, you can't put a rhyme on your placard, or chant any slogans (even non-rhyming slogan could be poetic. ) Nobody will know what you're protesting about. I think Emily will have had your emails, but she gets a lot of emails to work through (in fact, she's supposed to be on leave today, but has been trying to sort these problems out anyway) - apologies on behalf of abc for the problems people have been having, I know it can be very frustrating.
Anonymous's picture
I just assumed the CIA had hacked into the system to stop anyone offering any opinions. Maybe someone put up a poem about Bin Liners and their filter misread it!
Anonymous's picture
Oh, I'm glad other people have the same problem. Probably not my pc then. (can log in, am told I'm logged in but when screen is refreshed, I am not logged in.) And just when I wanted to post my absolute masterpiece.
Anonymous's picture
How do you activate cookies? Wanna see if it works. Does it work?
Anonymous's picture
Like this: on task bar, click "tools", then "internet options" then "security". Then choose "custom level" Scroll down til you get to the "enable cookies" option. Thats all ok, if you use IE, by the way :o) Good Luck
Anonymous's picture
Ah, that's the real Fecky...
Anonymous's picture
Didn't work for me, Beach. But then my cookies is all crumled, it seems...
Anonymous's picture
When I log in, the system tells me I'm logged in but then the next page says I'm not. QUITE annoying... My wife also signed onto the site, but it doesn't recognize her when she attempts a login. Stan
Anonymous's picture
Be patient, SJ - we have an idiot to eliminate...
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
OK, having spoken to techies, it seems there is a problem with the site - related to cookies but at our end. It's being sorted now and should be fixed by close of play tomorrow (hopefully). For reference, when I'm at home, I receive any mail sent to emilyd@abctales.com but not any sent to mail@abctales.com or info@abctales.com so (as long as I'm not out the country/have no internet access as with Cheltenham apart for 20 mins in their cyberlounge thingy) I will endeavour to reply to any sent to this address ASAP (one day I'll get holiday where I don't end up working!!!). If someone in the office opens my e-mail account while I'm away, I'll only get stuff that hasn't been downloaded to that account when I'm at home (if that makes sense) This means I've received (and replied to) everything sent from Saturday (people in the office needed access to my e-mail account Wed-Fri so they could send the daily tales) Sorry for any delay in response - will work through as much as I can tomorrow (hopefully everything but as I'm up to 600+ e-mail a day, I can't guarantee it - will try to do as much as poss. though!) Cheers (and thanks for your patience) Em
Anonymous's picture
bloody hell! I doubt if I've got 600 emails in the last 12 months let alone a day! dunno how you cope emily. strangely, I used to have tech problems with this site but everything works fine now and has done all weekend. I prefer to use netscape but it does not work on this site very well (or else mine has become corrupted) but IE is fine (spit at bill gates). so I use IE for this site and run netscape at the same time to surf web wave things. oh, I'm also permanently logged in here with my user name. can't see the point of logging out unless you are using a public pc.
Anonymous's picture
same problem for others Stan ... not seeming to affect those who have chosen to remain logged in for 3 months or whatever it is ...
Anonymous's picture
I can't log in and submit! AAAAGGGHHH! WAT DO I DOO?
tom saunders
Anonymous's picture
Thanks, Emily. Take that holiday and have a good time.
Anonymous's picture
Now got same prob as SJ...bumholes!
Anonymous's picture
I'm sorry you think I am an idiot. I was just messing about with minty words and log ins (see emily's post) that was all. the clog reference was coincidence andrea and not aimed at you or anyone else. I am not the same person as tis. bye bye.
Anonymous's picture
Ahhhhh, I've just finished my THIRD poem in 18 years and I can't post it! Oh well, I'll scrap it then!
Anonymous's picture
Oh, sorry Polo, no offense, mate.
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
OK, now back. Site is working fine - if you can't log in it's probably cos you have cookies disabled - the site relies on cookies to register people. If you still have no joy, mail me with the exact error message you get and I'll ask our techies to look inton it. Cheers Em
Daz warfare
Anonymous's picture
beachwood has managed to upload since his post I see. If someone shouts "hacker" people attach all their woes to that label. It's like a kind of religion. If I shout "anthrax" will you all buy gas masks tomorrow? Bio Grafer
Anonymous's picture
No log in probs. But my printer won't print text of the web though... are these problems connected?... (it's OK with ordinary files but anything off the web comes out as gobbled-de-gook). ...Knowing your techinical skills, fish, I rely on you to sort it all out.
Anonymous's picture
The Fish? Technical skills? Since when? Wot you on, Fecky? All that knitting's addled yer brain...
Anonymous's picture
Can't log in at all!!!!!!!
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Hmm - will check when I'm back in London. I'm currently at the Cheltenham Festival of Literature and the machine here is refusing to let me log in but won't let me check the cookie settings so don't know if it's a problem on the site or just on this #$%&* machine. Cheers Em
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