Random story thread.

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Random story thread.

Was flicking through random story (yes, still struggling with dissertation), and had an idea, there is loads of good stuff on there that hasn't been seen by many of us. So, everyone click away until you find something that you think others should read, it can be for any reason...only one rule, it can't already have been posted on this thread!

I'll start, I chose this because it made me laugh.


nice one camus ... this is the one i like ... http://www.abctales.com/story/brighteyes/backwards-to-bethlehem (i got about 20 i didn't like before i got to it so was super grateful) i like it because it has the word fish in it and because i really took to the last two lines ...
great idea, just read Bob's one recommended by Camus, hilarious - though some of the lines caught me up a little - but great tale! Juliet


Only 20 times ivoryfishbone, I have been clicking away for what feels like hours. Eventually got this http://www.abctales.com/node/506960 I admit I have read it before, i think on random story again, but it is definitely worth a read, fantastic writing and a brilliant (if rather graphic) ending.


Found this one: http://www.abctales.com/node/514342 Chose it cos. got hooked at the beginning. It did the sleep-deprived disorientation thing well. And it was short.
Oh and I thought The Kitten (Celery's selection) was great (winced at the end though...)
http://www.abctales.com/node/530931 there was something appealing about this for me ... apart from the bits about gripping the (crumpled) map ... "to our vehicle" not needed ... but i like the narrative ... the characters came across ... i think it's the ending i like ...also the word "coaxes" ... it is laid out like a poem but i think actually it is prose ... (and i had clicked many times again and counted about 6 "souls" and 2 "shards")
http://www.abctales.com/node/517948 'I realised the whys When t'editor got shirty It's 'cos me poem rhymes Now I feel dirty....'
I'm still looking for one that hasn't been cherrry-picked. A good choice, Jem, I feel the same way.


http://www.abctales.com/nancy_am/nostalgia A short poem but a good one. It raised images in my mind, all those photo's of dead relatives, but I saw my mother smile again.


http://www.abctales.com/node/538203 Another one picked because it made me smile...(and reminded me of my husband when he's ill.)
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