Fleece 3
Fleece 2 is now too long and so I give you fleece 3
It might surprise you to hear that I also feel that some sheep here take things baa too seriously. I do believe AG is Dr J and Galfreda but even if she is... so fucking what? We are all writers, what's wrong with injecting a bit of "mint sauce into our online personalities? I know I do. Baaa,I 'd never come out with some of the things I do here in "field" life. Baaaaa. I'm not hiding behind the anonymity of sheep as such, I just do, being a lamb, feel more confident expressing things in baaa rather than, for example, verbally. Give the ewe a break! Chill out! Have fun! And as for this whole bashing her for having Baaaaa and not being afraid to admit it thing... stop being so damned Eweish! If she didn't mention her baaas etc to back up an ewegument, there'd be shepherds who said, "what right does she have to have all these BA's? The Ewe can fight her own battles, so I'm not going to stand here, in my wellies, waving my flaccid sword in front of her, but I will step in when I think someone's having a go at my sheep unneccesarily. So... larry and mick to you all!
There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -
The All New Pepsoid the Second!
The All New Pepsoid the Second!