Fleece 3

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Fleece 3

Fleece 2 is now too long and so I give you fleece 3

It might surprise you to hear that I also feel that some sheep here take things baa too seriously. I do believe AG is Dr J and Galfreda but even if she is... so fucking what? We are all writers, what's wrong with injecting a bit of "mint sauce into our online personalities? I know I do. Baaa,I 'd never come out with some of the things I do here in "field" life. Baaaaa. I'm not hiding behind the anonymity of sheep as such, I just do, being a lamb, feel more confident expressing things in baaa rather than, for example, verbally. Give the ewe a break! Chill out! Have fun! And as for this whole bashing her for having Baaaaa and not being afraid to admit it thing... stop being so damned Eweish! If she didn't mention her baaas etc to back up an ewegument, there'd be shepherds who said, "what right does she have to have all these BA's? The Ewe can fight her own battles, so I'm not going to stand here, in my wellies, waving my flaccid sword in front of her, but I will step in when I think someone's having a go at my sheep unneccesarily. So... larry and mick to you all!

Stormy, are you on Writers' Vineyard? ~ I'll Show You Tyrants * Fuselit * The Prowl Log * Woe's Woe
That was baaad. Only here (and at psycho.com) would we witness topics debating the multiple personalities of members. What's that - sept 9th - 00.59. Oh! You were pissed. I thought there was a reason for the lower than average post. You're normally so witty, stormy :) There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennet

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

I've been trying to resist correcting people on the fleece threads for ages because I feel I can't win (whatever I say will be read in multiple ways - I've never felt so postmodern!). But really and truly - I really am galfreda, and that's the end of it! AG is not me. Dr Jekyll is Dr Jekyll. It is much more boring than you think! I have to say, though, I've been finding this theme (of multiple identity syndrome on the web etc) really interesting, so I don't mind if it continues at all, or even if certain people keep involving me in their weird and wonderful conspiracy theories. What's been puzzling me most is that those people must think that Archergirl and I wrote all the poetry we've each written (separately, in different towns, with different pens) as one person. I wish I was that prolific.
PS. Three 'really's in one post is really really really poor writing, for which I apologise. Really.
"AG is not me. Dr Jekyll is Dr Jekyll." Ah, but how do you know that if you're neither of them? ~ I'll Show You Tyrants * Fuselit * The Prowl Log * Woe's Woe
How do I know you're you, if you're not me or Dr J or AG, Jack? How do you know you're you, if you're not any of the above? I am moving house; I really (argh, that word again) must pack and stop trying to prove I'm me on here. To (try to) change the subject (only slightly)- what does everyone else do about old letters/diaries when moving house? It's the only time I ever look at them and I always end up feeling dislocated and transported (through time/selves [haha, hm])... Is it healthier to throw them away? I have no plans to write an autobiography, nor to become a shelebrity. Why do we keep evidence of our former selves? (Or don't you?)
This thread is getting very post-modern! However, I will add one thing, and that is: the general perception appears (no pun) to be that I don't know anyone else on this site, and that no-one else knows me. That may be where the flawed ideas as to identities began. Galfreda - just keep the stuff, man. It's good reading when you get it out of the box, innit? Wish I'd kept all my letters and such; nomad impulse too big.
"Why do we keep evidence of our former selves?" ... so good I had to italicise and bolderise (?) it! Why do we keep evidence of our former selves... hmm... sadly I don't yet have a suitably profound (one might even say really profound) answer to this suitably (really) profound question... I'll come back to you after further thunkage!! ~PEPS~ “Underlay is overrated."

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

( Hullo again, Arch... when you gonna reply to my really profound email then?... Have I scared you off with my "5 point plan"...?? ) ~PEPS~ “Underlay is overrated."

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

If you don't have any answer, (profound? I doubt it, or otherwise), why bother to repeat the question, TWICE? Surely it can't be that you can't bear to let an hour pass without seeing you dumb name on a post?


You're all Jasper and I claim my £1 prize! By the way Cath Carr: it was Mandy Rice Davies who uttered the immortal line, "Well he would wouldn't he." God weren't prostitutes gorgeous in the olden days.!


It was? Cheers Styx. I accept I was wrong, and freely admit it. It's such a rarity, I enjoy the experience, heh.
sorry I posted this on the Fleece 2 thread and realised the thread may be defunct Shared IP addresses between PCs are around. It's possible for multiple workstations to share a single IP address via a gateway. Another option is address pooling where 10 IP addresses will be pooled between say 25 PCs and allocated on user demand but the address is not fixed to one machine. However almost all businesses will allocate one single IP address to one single piece of hardware. I don't know about Universities. Of course a home PC will have a single fixed IP but again you could have a wireless network and share that IP between several machines/ users. jude


Anonymous's picture
"I am wondering where do you see the IP address of an abc post? This used to appear just below the user's name but doesn't any more." I would elect to bring this back, were anyone to take a vote.
But it doesnt work if you use an IP clouder... still, John Handelaar can spot that, and used to block the ones being used. EAsy really.
I would as well. My IP here is not fixed. Where I live, the management owns a number of IP addresses and rents them out on a weekly basis and is an example of address pooling I was talking about. However other than the last few digits the rest of the address would be the same and you'd see it was me-at-home. It wasn't always the IP that was displayed, but the name of the server rather than the number. I used to show up as ft.com. Other examples were gsi.gov.uk uea.ac.uk so it doesn't make identifying a user possible but does I think it makes people think a little bit more before posting. jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


Anonymous's picture
IP clouder? Did you just make that up, Cath? Maybe not - I'm not so savy when it comes to computers (except for the various tax treatments). Ok Jude -that's two votes.
IP clouders are great for downloading free software trials over and over again but for someone to use one to hide their abc persona, they are really sad! jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


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