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Probably won't be on abc over Christmas period so I just popped onto wish all you abctail's a very happy Christmas.

Have a good time and don't do anything that i would do


Merry Christmas John. And everybody. I am truly in the mood now! I went to the Southwark Cathedral Carol Service last night which was only slightly marred by crying babies during the choir's performance of Rutter's 'What Sweeter Music' (why do people insist on bringing babies when it clearly said that the service wasn't suitable for small children?) and I am not entirely sure about the use of female sopranos rather than boy trebles (I prefer for the lack of vibrato) as is the Anglican tradition. All the shopping is done but I forgot mince pies! Never mind, never liked them much anyway! jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


A merry Christmas to you all from the management. No room in the Inn!
Ho! ho !ho! yes indeed a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.I will be having the dual celebrations of the divorced.Tomorrow Christmas with kids and olds at ex husbands house. Boxing Day this households Christmas I am better but other half now has lurgy and will barely be able to get out of bed.It will be all be rather low key. We will hang about and heap.


Have a crappy xmyth Oh dear! I think I ruptured my pomposity.

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Camilla - I sympathise with the dual celebrations situation. In our case the ex comes over to my house to have Christmas Day and Boxing Day with the kids (fortunately he lives near so he doesn't have to stay) and tries to refrain from texting his partner every half hour. However I do get a bonus - he always takes the kids over to his sister's for a few days starting the day after Boxing Day - leaving me to enjoy left overs, unfettered access to the remote control, and even a bit of peace and quiet! Hope everyone enjoyed their festivities.
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