self reads and hidden comments
I know I sound like a stuck record but there's two things about this otherwise wonderful site that have been bugging me for a long time:
1. the read counter records your own hits, so you can't tell how many other people have read your stories (especially if you tend to tweak them a lot). I searched the net for a bit and found this drupal thread, which would seem to be relevant:
2. You can't see from the "My account page" if there are comments on your stories. I can't believe this is difficult to fix, since other pages, like "Read cherrypicked", or "Recently added" already do it, and even keep track of which comments each user has read.
If it's any help, I'd be glad to look through the source code and try to fix these myself (I used to be a web programmer, and still code as part of my job). In fact there seem to be a few programmers using this site... maybe we could turn it into an open source project, set up a version control server, and start submitting changes ourselves? Of course you'd still have final say about what went in.
I guess computerminds wouldn't be too happy about that though...
Kim Rooney