Page 300
Sat, 2008-03-22 07:52
Page 300
Well, some five weeks after page 200 here I am looking back down the mountain from the vertiginous ledge that is page 300. Somewhere just above me is the summit - Mount First Draft. I can feel a nosebleed coming on and I think quite soon I may be needing oxygen. Fortunately my cat, which I should really rename Tensing, continues to wake me up before dawn for my daily 1000 words. Hopefully she'll see me through to the top.
I have started reading the latest Iain M Banks Culture novel 'Matter'; it's probably not the best idea to read Bank's science fiction when I'm still struggling to work out if mine is worth putting on paper let alone reading.
Well done you. I too am still fighting my way through one and every word is a battle between myself and apathy. Like you, I try and aim for 1000 a day and anything over that is a bonus. It's daunting stuff but every word written is one word closer to the end. See you at the top ... maybe!