Free to enter short story competition

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Free to enter short story competition

Terrence Oblong used to post details of free to enter competitions on this site, but he seems to have given up, maybe his total lack of success has discouraged him.

So, I’m taking up the reins.

Reflex Fiction have started running a quarterly flash fiction competition. The first competition is free to enter, with a first prize of one hundred mainland pounds. Stories must be between 180 and 360 words.

Deadline is 28 February 2017. For further information visit:


Thanks JW. It's true, I dispair at the very thought of entering competitions these days. That shouldn't discourage other talers though.



are offislanders allowed to enter? 


It's open to mainlanders and off-mainlanders alike

I'm worried the competion is a hoax like Donald J. Is there any truth in these allegations?