International Flash Fiction Competition
Hello fellow writers! I am posting some general info about an International Flash Fiction Competition that opened today. Very low fee and chance to get published and win many other prizes (such as a holiday in Crete!). Visit their website for full guidelines. Good luck to everyone!
Welcome to Eyelands 1st International Eyelands Flash Fiction contest! We’re looking for short stories, of 500 words maximum in any genre on the theme of “Dreams”.
years since the beginning of our annual international short story
competition, which is the only international short story contest based
in Greece, we decided to run a new international contest for flash
fiction. We hope it will be as successful as our short story competition
and gain the same respect and recognition on an international level
whilst giving more writers the opportunity to see their work published
and enjoy a holiday in Crete!
The contest runs from January 20th through March 20th, 2018
Theme of the contest: “Dreams”
First prize: A week holiday οn the island of Crete (for 2 people)
Three prize winners: publication in anthology, handmade ceramic gift, certificate, complimentary copy of the anthology.
Shortlisted stories: Publication in anthology and complimentary copy
Judge: Gregory Papadoyiannis
Collaboration: (online literature magazine) & Strange Days Books (publishing firm)
Entry fee: 5€
Didn't I start the flash fiction movement?
Flash Fiction Comp
Has anyone tried to pay as I don't seem to be able to find the banner on their home page?
I think the banner is on this page. Somewhere on the right side, you will see the competition logo and a paypal "buy now" button
Thank you, I will try again.