Where's my tin hat Stormy?
It was never my intention to become embroiled in the emotional outpourings in the various 'New York' threads and actually said as much on one of them, but I received a personal email from one well known contributor who was curious as to my views on the subject and asked what they were. Having emailed them back I received a further message of puzzlement as to why I didn't post my feelings on the discussion boards. After further thought I've changed my mind.
Rather than intrude on what appears to be general agreement in the other threads I felt it better to post this separately.
To try and make any sense of the events of the last few days I believe it's necessary to rise above any personal feelings of anger, hatred, patriotism or nationalism, or even pity for the perpetrators of the violence visited on the city and people of New York. It seems to me that the real problem is rooted in the belief that humans are in some way different to other animals on this planet when in fact the differences are few. Man has always been predatory and the male always a hunter and killer, no different to a lion, eagle, shark or fox. It's easy to make the mistake of thinking that because we are so much more advanced as a species than others that our 'civilisation' has some how neutralised our instincts. The rules we live our lives by are enforced as laws. Laws, almost by definition are designed to moderate our natural behaviour, in other words to make us do, or not as the case may be, things that we wouldn't do naturally. It follows that a civilised society only works because most people abide by the rules and punish those that don't, it therefore follows that civilised behaviour is to some extent artificial. There has always been, and always will be individuals who refuse to play by the rules. There is no possible way of preventing these 'renegades' from pursuing their own agenda. In fact it is BECAUSE human nature has this facet that the species managed to develop beyond any other life form on the planet. The truth is these people are 'normal'; they just don't conform to the profile of most of the rest of us. Put another way, a rapist is a rapist because we have laws that say you can't shag someone without permission, whereas in the animal kingdom it is normal behaviour to help yourself. The rapist is simply following his/her natural instincts and refuses to be bound by our common laws. (I hasten to add that I am not excusing or condoning rape, I am as disgusted by it as the next person, I am merely trying to illustrate that behaviour becomes unacceptable by human decree, not by instinct.)
Now the really damning part of my philosophy is the dreaded belief that caused so much trouble on another thread, RELIGION. Humans are I believe, the only life form on Earth that practises religion, and they are almost maniacal in the defence and propagation of their personal variety. As I've said before, I believe they are all founded on superstition and fear and there is no stronger force in the minds of men; they are prepared to kill and die for their beliefs. And that is what they have been doing in New York!
It is also my belief that there is no such thing as an 'innocent' person. I had better explain my meaning before you get the wrong end of the stick. Of course a baby has no obvious guilt, but that is a temporary condition. We are all responsible for the conduct of our own rulers whether we elect them or not. If we allow them to pursue policies that we do not approve of and decline to stand up and be counted then we are guilty by association. The world these days is too small to turn a blind eye and say it's not my business, it's everybody's business and until there is one world government that disallows national armies and guarantees equal rights for each and all there isn't the remotest chance of world harmony.
As things are, the worst possible thing to do is NOTHING! That just encourages bullies and terrorists and gives them confidence to do even worse things to get their way. Unfortunately whatever is done people are going to die, it's inevitable! If that premise is accepted then they may as well die in the attempt to prevent terrorism as because of it. To be a leader it is necessary to be dispassionate and do what is best for the majority in the long run. This stance is not going to please the pacifists, the weak or the do-gooders.
I believe therefore that democracy has no choice but to pursue terrorists wherever they hide and destroy them. Whether or not bin Laden is responsible for NY I don't know, but what I do know is that if he is removed from the equation he will probably be replaced, and his replacement will know his cards are marked from the start. I've noticed that since the newly formed anti-terrorist alliance has started to make plans to eradicate terrorism the IRA has decided to offer new talks on de-commissioning. Can it be that they see the writing on the wall and are looking for a get-out before the @!#$ hits the fan?
I would futher like to say that I am heartily dismayed at the amount of anti-American hysteria on the forums. Whether we like it or not , without the help and participation of the US, both in terms of logistical contributions before their involvement of armed personel, and subsequently when they gave their lives on European soil, we would be living under the Nazi jackboot!
I for one am very grateful for their help in our time of need!