Forbidden Plum Press Looking for Manuscripts
Sun, 2003-04-13 20:33
Forbidden Plum Press Looking for Manuscripts
Because of an overwhelming response to the Forbidden Plum Press’s innovative approach to publishing, the deadline for receipt of manuscripts has been extended to June 15, 2003.
For more information and for submission guidelines, contact or visit
Why! Why! Why! Why! Why!
Forget the last message I wrote!
Be recognised - sod all publishers and mags - go around towns with a mic and speak you storys and poetry! At least you'll get noticed for free!
after sending off a few treatments and lots of poems to the standard literary magazines and presses, i'm not heartened by the result. recently i've been looking at competitions and magazines which accept e-subs, and i'm not punch-pleased there either. a fair few links off sites to "literary" journals etc don't seem to be any more than vanity presses. i wonder whether there is such a thing now as a forum for honest to god writing, where 20-line poems are not read "on receipt of $25" and published in an anthology. i am at times a starving writer, not that i aim to make a living from it, since i would starve in any capacity i employed myself. i just want to be read, and on the internet it's not happening. my poems are not peerless in any regard but i am without peer. dejectedly so...
If there had been an overwhelming response why would you need to extend??? Don't you mean that you haven't ripped enough of those $25 dollars out of writers pockets yet??? Any press that asks for money for submissions should be burnt!!!
Looks like a good scam. Maybe there's something in it. If anyone wants me to read their book, I'll do it for £10.
I'll read three for £20 forwards and backwards.