Stone by alan_benefit

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Stone by alan_benefit

Alan's diaries are often worth the read but this one is exceptional. I don't tihnk that anything he says is particualrily new - but I don't believe I've ever read it quite so well put. It's a beautiful and thoughtful piece of writing and I commend it to you all:

Thanks for that, Tony. Strange, but I was thinking of this piece earlier today when I was speaking to a friend of mine who also knew Michael - though I had no idea of their acquaintance until I bumped into him at Michael's funeral. I told him about the meeting and the peculiar 'eclipse'. It was very, very odd. In fact, at the time, I had the sense that I was the only one actually experiencing it: no one else at the meeting responded to it at all, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky that I could see. Some kind of premonition? I don't know. But strange things have happened before around the time of certain events. The evening before 9/11, I went for a run along the seafront. It was quite hazy out at sea, but at one point I noticed - far out through the mist - two tall columns rising up, very close to one another. I knew there was nothing out there, so I stopped and looked - completely mystified. Whle I was standing there, something flashed at the edge of my vision and I looked up to see a plane flying over. The sunlight was flashing brightly on it, and it was heading in the general direction of these 'columns'. Then the mist enveloped them again and the light from the plane vanished. I was so struck by what I'd seen that I remarked upon it when I got home. Probably just a mirage or something... I don't know. The next day, though, when I saw the scenes of the towers on fire... well. Who knows? Thanks again, Tony.
Not sure i go with all the premontition stuff, our brains are remarkable at trying to make sense out of the senseless, it seems hardwired into to us. However that is not important, who is to say our perception of an event is any more accurate than an anothers. But i posted to say what a beautiful read i found this, so much honesty written without self pity or a need to make a profound statement. I find the Humanist stuff fascinating, it is similiar in its ideas to Humanist Psychology, which is all about enhancing ones life experience, e.g. self actualisation, rahter than looking for solutions to negative behaviour. Juliet


Thanks, Juliet. I think you're probably right on the premonition stuff - looking for a possible meaning when there may not actually be any. As you say, our brains are good at doing that. It's partly what faith is about, I suppose.
I am enjoying these diaries immensely. Here's another one that especially good:
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