3 Posting max. Please

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3 Posting max. Please

Forgive me please but I can't help wondering which part of the request not to post more than three pieces at at a time is so difficult to understand. One contributor has posted eight in one go? or perhaps I miscounted?

I accidentally posted five when i joined, but that was because i was unaware that there was a limit and i wanted to get my new work up.
We need tech to impose a physical limit on how many you can post, so those who haven't read the FAQs don't end up flooding recently added with their life's work.
It's on the list!
The advice could be a little more prominent, most people (me included) don't bother reading faqs until something goes wrong.


After all that's been said Mik21foreverus posts eleven....yes eleven at one go. I suggest that we all decide not read any of these multi postings, they simply clutter up the days page and are rarely worth reading anyway.
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