A Good Kitchen Fight
Sun, 2007-07-15 19:33
A Good Kitchen Fight
At a party last night.Bloke said as I came from Kent and thought Multi Culturalism was xxxx I must be racist.Then a woman on my left piped in with how she had just interviewed(she worked for the police) an imported bride whose MILaw had tried to get her to drink bleach.Yes I said and girls are still mutilated in the UK or taken back to Africa for it.So no "separate" cultural groups allowed the abuse of women and children.Even some bourka wearing women are ordered to do it by family.
Bloke looked like he had swallowed a hedgehog.Anyone else got any good "debates"?They always happen in the kitchen.
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~