Discuss this on the ABCForum

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Discuss this on the ABCForum

Would it be helpful if the link at the bottom of each submission "Discuss this on the ..." automatically created the topic with the link to the submission in the content?

Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Cheers Enzo - should be quite simple... http://drupal.org/node/79434 Mentioned on Drupal... Could create a lot more action in the forums.


Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
This suggestion has been made more than once already. Personally, I think it's a no-brainer. Perhaps there's a prohibitive development cost, but as you point out, it is easy to do in Drupal. It's done on Booktribes, for example.
if it's cost, I'll do it for free... this is not a difficult one...


Sounds v. good - I'll put Mike dixon at computerminds in touch with you!
cheers tony - I'll give it a go - I used to be a computer programmer in my previous life...


Anonymous's picture
Hey all - ok, nice easy feature to implement if you ignore the post on the Drupal forum (best not to believe everything you read in forums LOL) ... Just implemented with a simple form alter - code below if anyone is interested ... function abcstory_form_alter($id,&$form){ if ($id=='forum_node_form'){ if (intval($_GET['nid'])){ $parent=node_load($_GET['nid']); if (arg(1)=='add'){ $form['body_filter']['body']['#default_value']='Topic posted in response to ' . $parent->title . ' : ' . url('node/'.$parent->nid,false,false,true); $form['title']['#default_value']=$parent->title; } } } } We then just alter the template file for the story nodes and add a little link to node/add/forum with the correct querystring param and bobs your uncle :) Cheers, Mike
Cheers Mike - works like a dream....


www.lorrainemace.com I've just tested it on one of my own stories and it worked like a charm.
Hurrah - thankyou all.
I'm not even going to pretend I understand a word of any of this, but it works, and thank you.
I think you may need some method of avoiding duplicate threads


www.lorrainemace.com Yes, because I sent a poem to the Discuss This forum and someone else sent the same poem. Is there any way of adding a block on subsequent postings if the piece has already been sent to the forums?
We will look at that one!
The way it works on Booktribes is quite good - all the comments appear under the book, but are also published on the forum. Surely the same would work here?
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