Neil Armstrong

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Neil Armstrong

Sorry for repeating this post.

Cannot believe Neil Armstrong has died.

Really sad. Feel like I'm drifting towards the edge of the penny-falls.

The motives for going to the moon may have been questionable, but those of the people who engineered and flew the missions were not - particularly the latter.

Anyone who doesn't believe they went should read Andrew Smith's 'Moondust'.

It doesn't set out the forensic evidence but, by the end of reading it, you think

"Why would you need to fake this?"

and "They just wouldn't get away with it"

and "These kind of people just don't do that kind of thing - they are brave, serious, genuine and driven".

Thank you for what you gave us.

God Bless, Neil Armstrong.

Yes, God Bless. A minute of silence is in order, I think.

Natalia :)

I think, in an ABC tales way of remembering him, this should be the Inspiration Point for next week.
Nicely put shep.

Parson Thru

May he rest in peace. Neil was always talking about his ufo sightings during his missions. A man of respect trying to help with disclosure of the truth.
!One small step for man one giant step for mankind' Rest in peace Neil! Now forever in the heavens!
My Mum came for Sunday lunch yesterday, I mentioned about Neil Armstrong and how sad it was about his passing. She looked up and said. " Oh what a shame, I loved it when he sang Sweet Caroline!" True story.



Parson Thru


Parson Thru