Foundation for the Readmission of Negative Thinking

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Foundation for the Readmission of Negative Thinking

Full name: Foundation for the Readmission of Negative Thinking as a Contributor to Positive Outcomes

Why? Sick of pom-pom-waving cheer-leaders trying to banish one half of human emotional experience; concern that the real negative aspects of certain actions are not considered resulting in disasterous outcomes (see Groupthink - Irving Janis); concern that pom-pom-waving may be used by the power elites in society to stifle opposition.

Why use the word "Negative"? Why not? - this is anti-PR; "Critical" might have worked, but Critical Thinking is an established body of work and I don't want to hand anyone who opposes this a handy shovel of shite to throw.

Proponents of a "Positive" thinking-only world often have an outcome in mind that gives genuine reason for concern and opposition. Cutting that opposition down at the knees by labelling it "Negative" is too big an advantage for those with power to hold. We need to rehabilitate the term.

Readmit Negative Thinking into the dialogue. Without it there is no dialogue.

The labelling of any opposition to (usually) Government policy change proposals ad "Nay-sayers" and the dismissal of a contrary view on that basis. Business Change Management theory and practice on the workplace. Employer attitudes towards staff generally - some would like to banish anything that isn't full-on Ra-Ra thinking chemically. I think it is more insidious in that there is a prevailing view that negativity is corrosive when actually it has a valuable part to play in decision making. (see Janis and others)

Parson Thru

And your actual cheer-leaders at sporting events. If the spectacle on the field warrants cheering, the crowd will cheer. If it doesn't, they may walk out. Which, of course, is bad for business.

Parson Thru

Actually, after a night of vomiting and sitting here suffering a bout of manflu, I have to wonder whether this post is more about my own state of mind at the time I posted it. An early symptom perhaps. Cheer up, mate. Can't be all that bad, can it? Life can get you down if you wear a frown... So, always look...

Parson Thru

I had just +ve'd myself up.

Parson Thru