A question On Competition Entries
Sun, 2012-11-18 13:21
A question On Competition Entries
While doing research on current poetry competitions, I have seen that many state the poems submitted must not have been previously published or posted online.
However, if the terms and conditions only mention previous or pending publication, does this include poems posted on sites such as this?
It usually does mean that. But they state it in their rules. " not submitted to online sites" (such as Abctales)
Thanks for replying, Pia. What I mean is that the competition I'm looking at doesn't state that.
This is the one I'm talking about:
Maybe I should just take it that this includes posting online, to be on the safe side!
To be on the safe side I wouldn't post it on here. I know it would be nice to post it here and get feedback but be confident- you are good! I will look forward to reading it when the competiton is over!
Good Luck! (now I'm really curious to know what you sent in- ha ha)
I haven't sent anything in yet, haha! The only poem I feel might be in with a chance is already on here. I'm very tempted to just remove it, since online posting isn't specified. hmm...
Oh you can easily just remove it and send it to the competition. Good idea! Personally I love the thrill of competitions and have recently entered one and can't wait to be able to post it on here come Spring. I'll never win I'm afraid but it's such a nice feeling entering and then waiting to see what others on Abc think of it because you don't get feedback from the judges. This UK poetry competition stated that entries should never have been previously published I think but then that is a huge competition with great accolades as prizes.
Ooooh, I think that's what I will do! I might wait for a few more days, since the poem seems to be being enjoyed on here so far.
Cheers, Pia!
Cheers, Bear. It's hard to know if there is any lenience when it comes to these matters. Maybe the judges google the title or a line just to check - who knows?
Guess I will just delete, submit and hope for the best!
I think that would be acceptable Steve.
Having looked at the link that you posted there is no hard rule outlined that precludes you from entering a piece of work that sits here or elsewhere online for that matter. Having said that I have never pursued this route myself. Good luck with whatever happens.
I agree, scratch; there is no hard rule outlined. I think I'll just delete it to be (partially) sure.
When we started this site back in the mists of time we foresaw this problem but felt it was easily manageable as people had control over their work and could easily remove it.
However Google has a long memory - and that we hadn't foreseen. I'm afraid I'm not in charge of Google - more fools them - but we've never had a case where an entry has been returned once someone has removed it from here and submitted it to another competition. That's the best I can do for you!
And good luck - you won't need it.
Thanks Tony, I'm sure all will be fine. I bet the same thing has been done a thousand times or more without any problem.
Three poems are being submitted today - here goes!