Carers UK Creative Writing Competition

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Carers UK Creative Writing Competition

Carers UK is running a free to enter creative writing competition, with prizes totalling £300 in high street vouchers. You can enter 3 poems or one short story (max 1,000 words) about any aspect of caring, on the theme of  ‘no one should have to care alone’. (what a great theme - a definite for an inspiration point in my considered opinion).


The competition is open until 31 July 2015, for further details visit:


Winning entries will be published on the CarersUk website and it is hoped that an anthology will be produced featuring a selection of the best poems and stories.


I should probably admit to a vested interest, I worked at Carers UK for a number of years and it’s a superb organisation. 





Wow... what a great subject. Everyone will and does win on this issue. Cheers for your post TO  yes

Nice shout-out, Terrence.  Thanks.


Oh, thanks for this info. Our local county Carers' Support (who have been so much help to us) I think may have mentioned something, but when you're busy caring, you forget about these things … ! Rhiannon