I heard about this thing called Rule 63 in literature and there isn't really a good description that I can find. I was wondering if anyone had an explanation of what is is and how it works. Thanks
Downunder - On High Country sheep stations there are 65 rules that are universally accepted by farmers but not necessarily farm hands. Without quoting it verbatum Rule 63 goes like - "If you are found with any fleece material whatsoever stuffed in or around the rims of your gumboots, you will be fired immediately! Rule 16 relates to handling stock humanely!
rule 63 is always start the novel on p63 of your draft-- the first 62 pages are usually authorial throat clearing, harrumphing, tedious back story, bits of old diary entries as you feel your way into place... p63 is where the action starts
This is what google thew up:
Rule 63
For every given male character, there is a female version of that character, and vice versa.
Other than that I haven't got a clue.
never heard of it. Makes me wonder what's the number 1 rule? What the other 62 rules I don't know?
Downunder - On High Country sheep stations there are 65 rules that are universally accepted by farmers but not necessarily farm hands. Without quoting it verbatum Rule 63 goes like - "If you are found with any fleece material whatsoever stuffed in or around the rims of your gumboots, you will be fired immediately! Rule 16 relates to handling stock humanely!
Hope this helps...
rule 63 is always start the novel on p63 of your draft-- the first 62 pages are usually authorial throat clearing, harrumphing, tedious back story, bits of old diary entries as you feel your way into place... p63 is where the action starts
Nice one BJD!
Is that why the star wars prequels sucked and why he started at episode 4?