Horror Novel Release
I'll be publishing my first novel, Father's Song, through Amazon once final edits are done. I'm really excited to get my first novel out there and it's thanks to a lot of encouragement from ABCtales. It's taken a year and gone through 5 drafts. Starting at 50k words, then going up as far as 105k it's now sitting comfortably at 90k words.
Please checkout my new website
and please like my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/kevingrover.author?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
The website was designed by Damian Fitzpatrick of JD Designs who has done a wonderful job and can custom design a site for other authors from scratch or improve existing sites. Check out his web page:
and please like his facebook page:
Graphics are great, and I'd certainly love to read it and will buy a copy. But I don't see a link to Amazon? Is it out yet? Or am I missing something?
Congrats there Kevin.. that's a lot of snipping on the editor's floor. All the very best on your launch and for your success... take care
It's not out just yet - doing final proof check. Should be released through Amazon within the week. I'm building up anticipation :)
no problem. Sounds like a good angle. Good luck.
Congratulations Grover!
Great news Grover. Well done mate. I'll order as soon as its out.
Well done!
If anyone else is interested in getting a website done, I am happy to offer exlusive deals for members of the ABC tales community.
All the best to uou on this, Kevin. I'll be watching for its release.