Sun, 2016-11-13 17:43
I realized quite by accident that I am suffering from a form of narcissistic personality disorder. Hence my writings on her have tended to be all about me. By doing so I have probably wasted a lot of your time. I'm truly sorry about that indiscretion. I will not write again until I have something that is not so self indulgent that I even waste my own time. So, see you again maybe never...
all writers are narcissitc, always beleiving they've got something very important to say. Life proves the opposite sway.
And to make it more obvious, self-pleasuring is for sure a symptom and erotic fantasy is based on the I will however, perhaps one day find another venue to vent my frustrations. Thanks Celticman, you are my inspiration to do better work.
Narcissus, come back when you feel ready. I look forward to you flowering here again.
Thank you so much Elsie, I just have to try and find a different road to creativity in a less than inspirational atmosphere. I know that the character of Narcissus is mythological but after having researched a little into him I realized that a balance in self-reflection is a guard against encapsulation. I will try to find something more meaningful about which to write in the future but until I do, I'll be working on some other areas of my life that need attention. I find myself suffering from chronic aging and all that it entails. I think that before my mind completely fails me I am going to try and remember when America was so great that we need to go backwards to find that time.