A ryhmed poem about people that don't impress you

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A ryhmed poem about people that don't impress you

That man over there with the sun-glasses on,
even though it's ten o'clock at night.
The woman with the silicon implants,
that when she bends down, they stand upright
The schoolkids on the bus that can only swear and fight,
people who bib their hooter,
and are looking for a fight.
Tony Blair acting sincere,
William Haig drinking beer,
Charles Kennedy, being Charles Kennedy,
can promise what he likes,
He knows he's gonna lose.

The whole Royal Family when going to Church,
Defender's of the Faith?
Yeah right, whats worse?
T.V presenters who think we give a toss,
about second hand opinions that they nicked from their boss.
Politicians who can never say sorry,
for getting it wrong,
when if they showed a bit of honesty we might be willing to go along.
Made up pop stars appearing on children's TV,
It's all about the money, the plug for the CD.
People who judge others whith a plank in their eye,
Ryhmes that go on forever, Goodbye!

auntie jackie
Anonymous's picture
Hi Carly, Being a Scot and very proud to be so, I also have no time for the Royal Family. They're not even English. They're German. hence the name change during the first World War to the name Windsor. The King was advised that having a German name it would be advisable to change it. The Royal Family receive the largest amount of Income Support in Britain, and they don't even have to declare their savings etc etc etc!!!!!! I personally don't know of any Scot who endorses the Royal Family in any shape or form. Hark, I think I hear: "Of with her head" again. AJ :>)
Anonymous's picture
Yeah, but Anthony is quite sexy and Baby David is lovely.
Anonymous's picture
Well, actually, Auntie Jackie, my heritage is Welsh - my mother and her family come from the south of Wales - but she did spend a lot of her childhood and some of her teens in England. I was born in the east end of Toronto, Canada. My father's parents were from England, but I don't know where.
Anonymous's picture
i feel sorry for the royals, though i dislike the whole idea of them. France did away with them quite emphatically; maybe so should we? No, I suppose not. We can't go killing off our heads of state and hangers-on... im scottish, proud of course, and in no way biased. They should all be thrown onto some island and it should be televised. Charles could talk to the plants as much as he wished.
Playing Tents
Anonymous's picture
You any relation to Ta Paulin?
playing tense
Anonymous's picture
I used to be perfect but that was in the past. Now I just participle in the present.
Anonymous's picture
Do you like poems about the Royal Family? I have a few - maybe I'll put them up.
Michael Caine
Anonymous's picture
Only if their derogatory, Carlie, you'd have to be British to understand why!
Anonymous's picture
I'm not British - I'm a born Canadian Yes - they are derogatory - and some may be offended - but I'm honest in my poetry - I say how I feel about things and make no bones with it I'll give you a hint about the way I feel; When the Queen comes to visit Toronto, the tab is picked up by the taxpayers - there's something about royalty riding in an open car, waving at the bloody homeless in a city that makes me ill I feel the same way about any visiting royalty ... someday humanity will find its priorities
Anonymous's picture
Well, it so happens I can't find the poetry I wrote on it (about a couple of years ago - when the prince married). It's just as well ... 'twill keep me out of trouble. Seriously, folks ... I apologize if I'm offending anyone - I realize some feel very proud of the royals ... and I mean no disrespect - it's just that I am so sick of seeing so much made of those who have ... It's depressing to hear governments - municipal/provincial and federal blathering that they have no money to put things in place to help the social problems - then to find that royalty is visiting and that thousands worth of toonage will be spent on hotels, dinners, tours ... that's the way it is. Hey! I'd love to hear your views on it - fire away!
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