Prozac Dolls

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Prozac Dolls

READ EVERYTHIGN BY PROZACDOLLS!!!! EVERYTHING!!!! OK,I'll stop shouting but you really ought to read this stuff!
I did and by the thump,I'll read 'em again!

microchrist again
Anonymous's picture
Typos... Dontcha luvvum?
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Just had time to read a few of them - wonderful stuff indeed. I'm sure they'll be regulars on Story/Poem of the Day. I now know how I'll spend some of my Bank Holiday weekend (hurrah it's holiday time and it's hot!)
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
Thanks for letting us know, microchrist. I just enjoyed:
Anonymous's picture
Just gimme sum o those drugs them Cherry Pickers are on!
Anonymous's picture
AHHH! THANK YOU SO MUCH! *M U AH* *M U A H* YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! ACK! THANX! *grins sheepishly and shuts up*
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