Getting Read!
Thu, 2001-11-01 23:30
Getting Read!
Hi Fellow Writers,
Please, can someone give me a tip on getting read?
As far as cherry picks go, when would these be 'awarded'? When your story / poem is looked at before publication?
If anyone is looking for a story to read, consider mine - I'd love a bit of feedback!
It's 'Bill, Bingo and Bram' - give it a go!
Chris ?{:^)
best way chris is to caper unfettered in the threads ... tossing wit around like confetti and making Absolutely No Reference to anything you may have written ...
hey fish... how ya doin?
Cherries can come at any time. Now there are almost 10,000 pieces of work on the site, hanging round in the forums does help raise your profile but we do endeavour to read every story/poem/etc on the site (Tess and Andrew are ace, by the way - they read a *huge* amount and pick all the stories and poems of the day. Much credit is due.)
Will check out your work tomorrow Chris
(Editor, ABCtales)
can't agree more.
I used to get 2 reads and now I get 15.
and it's all down to Forum
the chowder that reads where other readers won't go.
you know it makes sense.
When I post something new, or see something I like written by someone else, I typically email it (using the email a link function at the bottom of the page) to a few friends. This helps with a few hits anyway, and I suspect some of them pass it along to others. Of course, if you use a handle like me, you should probably alert them ahead of time that if they receive something from this site, they should read it, as it is not a link to a virus (!) or to some cleverly disquised child pornography site (!). Otherwise the email might be deleted unread.
It's a really obvious point Chris, but one worth making. This site has hundreds (if not thousands by now) of writers - it is only if those writers put in a tiny bit of effort and read other peoples' work that everyone benefits.
Read three pieces every time you log on, and let the author know if you like them. It will work out.
hello simon ... fancy meeting you here ... come here often?
*waggles eyebrows*
Dear All,
Thanks a million - your advice is really helpful. Personally, I have this 'thing' about writing - i.e. I've never wanted to do or be anything else but a writer, and it's only in the last ten years or so that I actually found my own 'voice' if you know what I mean. Until then, I wanted to be some other writer - Dylan Thomas or Jack Kerouac or somesuch. I was attracted much more by the lifestyle (or what I thought was the lifestyle!) than by the business of sitting down and actually cracking on with it!
I'll follow your advice folks, thanks again! ?{:^)
Dear All,
Thanks a million - your advice is really helpful. Personally, I have this 'thing' about writing - i.e. I've never wanted to do or be anything else but a writer, and it's only in the last ten years or so that I actually found my own 'voice' if you know what I mean. Until then, I wanted to be some other writer - Dylan Thomas or Jack Kerouac or somesuch. I was attracted much more by the lifestyle (or what I thought was the lifestyle!) than by the business of sitting down and actually cracking on with it!
I'll follow your advice folks, thanks again! ?{:^)
*Slightly wishing he'd left Simon undisturbed now* Feel a bit like a Somerset blacksmith during the war when American pilots came in with chocolate and nylons for the ladies...
Chris Maitland's piece "Duncan's Liberty" is well written and interesting - the price children pay for being spoiled.
Dear me, what a bitch I've been there.
As Sideshow Bob said at his parole hearing, "Cheerfully withdrawn". I'm sure Simon66 is a lovely fellow and has never attempted to win favours by giving tights to ladies.
Bet he has, though
Hear he's quite good at getting them off though.....
Dear Anon,
You got inside info?
it's all true - even the bits that conflict...
fancy a drink fish?
well simon ... dont mind if i do ...
I'll have you know he asked me to MARRY him on Simon66 thread.........
*waves bible*
oooooh - do I get to buy a hat - first ABCtales romance?
Oh, go on....
emily really ... get up to speed gal! ... this site is LITTERED with net romances ...
It IS???
*even slower than Em*
it's all the talk of apostrophes i tell you
gets me hot under the collar every time.
In fact there is an Underground Splinter Group operating within the site. They are called The Poetry Shaggers.
I always knew I shoulda appreciated poetry more...
Ah....there is it's all true, i just wish there was a higher membership. A club like this with only one person really isn't that much fun. Well it could be but i do have some restraint...
so em... seein' anyone at the mo?
That would be telling...
Thought you were seeing Fish and Liana anyway...?
So are there any romances that have gone beyond the virtual on the site yet?
~ Coughs and shuffles a bit at the back ~
Tell me more...
Hey, I thought the title of this thread was Getting Read, not Getting Laid!
Oh, but getting laid's so much more fun!
Amazing just let me down a few drinks to steady my nerves and i'll be right back....promise!
My client has no comment to make on this subject.
*waves copy of document showing vindication of previous slander case in case anyone's tempted to bring another*
My client, Laid-Back, does not wish to give a statement at this time.
Shouldn't that be 'make a statement', sir?
So mysterious informant...couldn't helpo but notice you in the corner over there (stumbles awkwardly). I ssshheeee yous are.....ummmm......THUD.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz