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Eddie Gibbons
Anonymous's picture
I have a large collection of hangovers from exotic foreign drinks. My fondest memory is of the Absinthe hangover because... *cue Justyn*
Anonymous's picture
I tend to collect e-mails off people i don't remember. Usually female..although on one quite worrying occasion male. How to politely say i don't rember who the hell you are...and it's not my baby?!!
Anonymous's picture
...absinthe makes the fart grow longer... Sorry 'bout that - couldn't resist it. Thymly, though.
Anonymous's picture
Oh rats, you all beat me to it, though I might have said absinthe makes the heart grow fonder. In fact, I think I read in the New England Journal of Medicine that absinthe makes the heart slow yonder, and should not be used by persons with weak hearts. On the subject of drinks, Eddie, I always wondered about slow gin. I mean, what is slow about it?
Eddie Gibbons
Anonymous's picture
Nothing, especially when drunk by a fast woman. *was not thinking of any woman in particular. Especially not one who drinks like a fish*


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