Lost Diaries.
Thu, 2002-07-18 10:46
Lost Diaries.
Okay I've hunted high and low for these here diaries, are they like Brigadoon and only appear once every hundred years? I love a good soap opera and the diary thing on UKA is going really well, thought I'd have a read/do here. Sounds as if they've taken off even better over here. I wanna be voyeristic and see if anybody has as much bad luck/misfortune and plain bloody stupidity as me. My latest disaster was falling into my cousins garden pond while carrying a shed .. not good.
they are just uploaded like normal pieces sooz ... so you have to hunt through for them ... a lot of people seem to have diary sets ... the ones i can think of are liana, hoxtoneye, martin_t, me, chant, freda, iceman, eddie gibbons ... apols to anyone i have missed the kids are doing DIY and i am slightly tense ...
Thanks Fish love, gottit. I think the diaries need a home. Made a list of the names and can't wait to 'get to know' everyone a whole lot better, you can feel free to change that to 'be a nosy old cow' if you wish. :-)
And the original one fish. He's done more diary pieces than anyone else - good old Bobblehat