For Hox.

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For Hox.

Hope you don't mind me writing this here, but you don't have a contact the Author thingy. Just read your diary .. brilliant. I think the entry in the bath was my favourite. You can tell so much about a person depending on whether they are bath or shower people. I am a shower person through necessity of work .. BUT ...a bath person by choice ..nothing beats it. Long soak in a hot bath and then clean sheet. Sheer indulgence.

The Fields Of Athenry is one of my favourite songs, I love it and have murdered it more than once on karaoke whilst under the influence of vodka :-)

Anonymous's picture
For Hox read Fox?
Anonymous's picture
er ... now you've confused me .. um no I don't think so. Hoxtoneye
W H Audenary
Anonymous's picture
Sooz, dear gal, it would appear that this edgy character has been sniffing the cork of a bottle of Addlestrop Rouge. Ignore the blighter!
Anonymous's picture
Maybe it's all got to do with Hox not having a contact the author thingy. Hence you have to go Hox-hunting. Find the Hox's lair. There's definitely something in the Addlestrop Rouge theory.
Anonymous's picture
i know where hox lives.... *glints with a stalker type air*
Anonymous's picture
Sooz, I now have a "contact the author thingy". It's my alternate email address, as I'm worried about stalkers.
Anonymous's picture
Oh I could do with a stalker to bring some light into my life. I'm feeling maniacally sinister after the last few weeks, and I would so pity any poor stalker who decided to take me on. My cellar would make a wonderful holding cell so that I could play sick games with him mercilessly. (Actually I don't have a cellar but shhh don't tell any prospective stalkers that) I don't mean to be picky here, but should there be any stalkers hanging around wanting a victim, if you happen to look like Spencer,with a mixture of Spencer and Johnny's personality, and Dan Haggerty's (grizzly Adams) compassion .. Bring it on baby, I'm ready and waiting.
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