getting into hot water

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getting into hot water

I read today that child murdering scumbag Ian Huntley has been scalded with boiling water in prison. you may have already guessed that this does NOT induce vast amounts of pity from me, in fact I'm glad, it makes me feel a little better about the day that he is, hopefully, now in extreme pain and will remain so for good while. I'm hoping that the damage is permenant and scarring and, ideally located about the face and genitals. I'm also hoping it has inspired others in the prison to think up new and ever more painfull ways of attacking him in the future and that an annual prize of a months reduction of sentence should go to the best offering.
I personally would gladly pull the trigger / lever etc to end his life and would pay extra to be staring him in the eyes as I did it. Remember that viscious little twat in The Green Mile? Well that'd be me in his case.

what does this make me?

Someone I have never met and have no first hand knowledge of is in pain and I'm happy about the fact. His pain won't bring back the girls he murdered or even begin to put anything right at all, it's just another wrong in truth. There is no evidence that he did anything other than what he claims he did, ie they died by accident in his home and he paniced. It's about as likely as Elvis being reincarnated in the new born baby boy of Britney Spears but there's noting to say it aint true or that he's not the victim of a genuine mental illness that I just don't understand. So as a 'benefit-of-the-doubt' kind of guy I should be leaving well alone. He's in nick, reviled by everyone on the planet and living in torment -it should be enough.

... it SHOULD be enough but all I can feel is that nothing will ever be enough so is he the only monster in this or does the finger of blame have a nail at both ends?

BTW I understand that this post may be deleted on legal grounds etc and that's fair enough.
I know what you mean Ely. It's not a comfortable feeling is it. I've always been against the death penalty, cruel and unusual punishments yada yada, but when I read the headline my honest reaction was - Yess!
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