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I have 20 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 19158 times and 7 of my stories have been cherry picked.

ely_whitley's picture

My stories

lost you

Will it start like we did with sex and jokes? Will he seem like more than one of the blokes in your new life? Will the time feel right for somebody new- this friend who stands out from the crowd around you

sickypoos part 3

Like I said, I've never been in hospital, not properly. There are certain standard jokes to be found in films like "Carry on Doctor or any hospital scene that will always guarantee a laugh. I'm about to go through a classic comedy moment here, I thought to myself as the pretty young doctor tugged, bravely at my jeans to expose my shamefully unwashed buttocks.

sickypoos part 2

"West Byfleet? Did you catch the name at all?" She wasn't only looking at me now but her hands had relaxed away from the keyboard as if she knew it would be ages before any useful information came from me again. I grabbed at any memory I could.

doing my bit

SCENE 1. INT. NIGHT JIM ( A COCKNEY) IS GETTING READY FOR THE LIVERPOOL V AC MILAN CHAMPOINS LEAGUE FINAL JIM: (To himself) Now come on lads. This is just another day at the office, nothing to worry about. We need to work as a unit and we'll be fi-


The birth of the curve. They rise and fall while they rise and call the touch to their diving lines. A soft skin quiver, a bounce- a shiver. Tender,...
