Leonardo's Pride by Nikaya999

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Leonardo's Pride by Nikaya999

A great thought provoking poem, Nikaya! I am looking now at the Mona Lisa with your eyes, see its smile differently, in brush strokes, inside and out

I love this one, Nikaya! Not your usual style... Much simpler... Almost haiku-like (intentional?)... Very evocative. I saw a programme about LDV once, and your words definitely 'reflect' what we are told about his relationship with this painting. So is this one going to remain here permanently then...??? ('spect not, you ephemeral poet you...) "P"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Anonymous's picture
Yes, thoroughly enjoyed all your offerings today. Perhaps it's time to leave things lying around...what can seem evenescent can also be eternal, J. Saw the Mona Lisa not long ago, btw. They've got glass in front of it...onlookers everywhere....incredibly impersonal, I was disapointed (what did I expect, a private viewing?!). It was a little like the Vatican - I was reminded of the Robin Williams line in Good Will Hunting "Do you know what it smells like inside the Sistene Chapel?" Answer: Tourists. Ben
Seeing genuine masterpieces 'in the flesh' (as it were) is often disappointing - not because of the piece itself, but its context. I recently visited Egypt, saw some magnificent temples etc, but just didn't feel the impact I expected - not helped by Luxor Temple (for example) being right next to McDonalds!

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

We are indeed tourists, Nikaya. Particularly in respect of those ancients who truly lived life, artfully and respectively (there's a huge irony, I think, in finding wholly excavated Egyptian tombs behind rope barriers in well-lit, tiled rooms, and a wooden Bodhisattva in a glass case, in the Ashomlean in Oxford, and the like)... and also in respect of people like Leonardo, whose life was their work and work was their life... and yet 'learning' these days seems to mean 'learning how to make money for faceless corporations' and such, whereas true learning is shoved further and further into the fringes of existence... ...and things of that nature, generally!

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Incidentally, whilst casually popping 'Bodhisatva' into a search engine during the writing of the above, I was directed to the following dubious website... http://home.pacbell.net/tungtung/troutwax.html ...hmm!!! (obviously not looked too deeply into thus'un, as at work at the mo, but if anyone cares to do so, then describe it herewith, please feel free!)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

"...watch the feather..." - have to remember that one! (Incidentally, before The Matrix came along, Forest Gump was my favourite film... infinitely watchable!)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

The Matrix is many-layered! As well as a kick-ass action movie! Well I like it... :-(

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Funny?! Mechanical?! Mmmmmmm, chocolate mud cake... :-) :-) :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Ooh, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's an adult who's a fan of Harry Potter... I mean, a serious fan...!

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Ooh, I say!

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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