Anyone near sheffield?

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Anyone near sheffield?

I'm up there on the 23rd, for the "off the shelf" festival, performing for the first time outside london....

come along :-)

i might make the effort xxx
yep, it's the scriberazone thing.... mrs_t is coming too!!
this sunday..... :-)
s'alright mate, i enjoyed it, thought i read well, there were 3 other acts, jo burns, brad evans, and sarah annett (who read a poem by fish) nice chilled music supplied by peter johnson, and some groovy video work by a couple of video artists.... and i sold a book :-) one book but it was very pleasing to sell it...
the magnificent shining light of your presence made if very difficult to actually see you...
whoops double post
one of mine ... how sweet ... which one? sorry i didnt make it ... had to work next day ... imagine! ... anyway here are some virtual snogs instead .... XXXXXX
it was platform (i think) drink had been taken by that stage
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