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I was musing the other day as I was watching Inspector Morse. In this particular episode, an ex Oxford don (who has a terminal neurological condition) with the help of his wife commits suicide but frames his son-in-law whom he blames for the death of his daughter and grandson.

Morse being just totally brilliant *gushes* works this out. But in real life, I cannot help but suspect that your average copper would have put the wrong man away. There are more intelligent criminals than 'Morses' so surely there must be a small but significant number of innocent men in jail. This fills me with more horror than the idea of criminals free to roam.

Well as George once said when I finally stopped voting blue, 'I knew you'd come round eventually Jude, given more time and less cider.' It seems he was right.


there are many innocent people in prison and, therefoere, many guilty ones at liberty. My father knew a lad who was on remand in Strangeways for child sex offences awaiting trial. The real offender struck twice again while this lad was inside and so he was set free but it wasn't in time to stop him being held on a table and raped with a chair leg during the riots.
Last week Bedfordshire police detained and questioned the actor who played a man who was so definitely not a terrorist that they even let him out of gitmo. When this hit the news (eventually) they released a statment claiming they did it under legislation repealed six years ago. It comes to something when we can't even run a competent police state.


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