Your etribes life website

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Your etribes life website

I hope that many of you will find these useful. They are good fun and one of the best managed around so I trust that if that is a route you choose to take then you will do so through us.

I've had one email about privacy issues and this offer. Please be assured that no one has been given your email or password details. Those remain secure within our system and will NEVER be given to any outside party. etribes have been given a list of user names - and that is all. Your integrity is safe with us!



Christ i thought it was only me - what on earth is that all about?
So, what's happened is that Tony's set up a deal with a company called e-tribes to provide all members with a blog - which you can blog on if you want to. From Tony's message I get the impression that one person is upset that e-tribes have been allowed to email them with this offer. Tony's message is intended to reassure that person and others who feel the same. If, like me, you haven't received an email from e-tribes offering you a blog, you might reasonably be quite confused by the initial message. Hope that clear things up. Cheers.


That's a deal I wouldn't mind experimenting with! What happens next?
the messages are getting out - yours will arrive shortly if it hasn't already - although if you are not signed up for the newsletter then you may not get it. If anyone hasn't got the offer in the next 48 hours then please contact me and I'll sort out a site for you.
I think it seems like a splendid idea! Cheers for that, Tony! I tried signing into the etribes Life website, and it doesn’t seem to recognise my password at the moment though (I used the same one as my ABCtales password, as I think was suggested).


that's correct alp - you should just use your ABC one. Mmm - I will investigate.
I'm one of the founders of etribes - so perhaps it would be helpful if I introduced us and what we do here? etribes is one of the (very) few UK-based personal publishing companies. Our etribes Life service provides a simple, uncluttered blogging service - on which you can post news, stories, photos or files. See or my personal LifeSite at We met Tony and ABCTales and thought it seemed a good fit... hence the offer. So far it's going really well - though there's an issue if you request a new password before you add your proper email address (since we don't have your email addresses). If you've done this - you can email us directly to get your new password at Hope that's helpful!
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