Lulu article

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Lulu article

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I think the LULU article is an excellent piece of reportage. Clear, concise and with a firm opinion based on information gathered by clever questioning. It is also an important piece from another point of view. Until now self-publishing has been regarded as the resort of those who couldn't find a publisher for their work. Well certainly by me anyway! This piece suggests that this no longer need be true. As long as the reality from LULU bears out the information given in the article those who wish to publish their work in book form will be able to do so without sending themselves to Carey Street. So, if there is more of this useful information to be gathered I for one will be very pleasd to read it. Meanwhile Thank you for this piece, interesting and useful.
I too very much enjoyed the article. There are several of these publish on demand outfits (such as iUniverse), but lulu seems to have a somewhat different approach. It's great for people who want to get in print and for technical books that would never have more than a few hundred readers and would never be published otherwise. "You don't need the light of the Lord to read the handwriting on the wall." Copies of Warsaw Tales available through
Fantastic article Tony. I would have read it just as avidly if it had been 20 times the length. Fascinating subject, presented in an interesting way and it gave me a deeper insight into this kind of operation. Thanks for writing it. Self publishing was considered almost immoral a few years ago. Lulu has helped to remove the stigma. It would have been interesting - maybe as a follow-up article - to read a case study or two. How does the process work in reality? How easy is it to control the cover design? Do you have much choice when it comes to typography? Is there a minimum or maximum number of pages? Maybe these things are covered on I'll have to check. Maybe an ABCtaler who has been through the process could enlighten us?
I enjoyed this article, more please!
Thankyou - and if any ABCtaler has been through the lulu process - or self published with someone else, and would care to tell us about it, then it would be happily received.
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