Transmission Magazine
Thu, 2007-05-31 17:24
Transmission Magazine
Hello everyone.
I'd just like to tell you about Transmission, Manchester's independent literary magazine.
It's all short stories and articles and very good.
The current issue (number 8) also features a 200 word short story by me, illustrated by Ed Milsom.
There's a full list of contents here:
You can also buy a copy and maybe submit something for issue nine. The theme is 'Pulp Fiction'.
They also sell the best badges in the world, which all of you should get.
They're good folks supporting the art of the short story in the UK.
Hi Mark.
Got my copy yesterday and was (pleasantly) surprised to see your name in there.
Transmission is a great magazine - always high quality writing - and I think it's a credit to ABCTales that the last two issues have featured work by ABC writers. Well done on the publication.