tell me

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tell me

please tell me what you think of my stories and poems...

this is where you can find them: I must admit that I find the style rather 'clunky' and ungainly. I think you have weave more magic with your words!
Hey big v, I have read your latest pieces and they are in the autobiography category. Whereabouts do you live and what is your first language? I find your subject matter interesting, especially the historical poems, but you do have a somewhat unusual idiom.
i live in the philippines and my language is filipino but i can speak in english... i do want to spologize if there's some error in my grammar or what...

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i just love "tickling" words... and "shaking" it's meanings...

Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem

Hi Big V, Can you please only post three stories a day. You stop other writers from getting their stories read. Thanks, Joe
I haven't had time to read them in detail but what struck me immediately was that I was reading a poem about murder and a rotting corpse and it was a U.I do think disturbing material should be rated more than a U.


Well Big V, my second language is French and I do excessive violence to it everyday without even trying to be creative in it. I made a joke the other day and a Frenchman laughed, that was a major victory. If I am so much as trying to write poetry in French by the time I am 80 I'll be lucky. You are courageous. Keep writing.
Big V, I have a feeling you have watched too many vampire films and have too lurid an imagination. In order to get control on your writing you should begin by writing about what you have experienced yourself. It may seem very dull and ordinary to you - but to others it will be exotic. Try it!
hi, tcook. believe it or not, i don't quite watch horror films. in my poems i only use my imagination. as you can see, I am a broken hearted person. Many women have crushed my heart and putted them on jars of acid, so with these poems, i describe my anger. some of my poems are about how i killed a woman and resurrected her or how i killed a woman to give back the peace in short, to remove the pain. vittorio villasin is my real name.

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What a wonderful name! It is very difficult to write in a language that is not your own. I consider myself reasonably fluent in French but when I write in it all the failings in my skills become apparent. I think that you possibly have real talent as a writer but there are times when your grasp of the finer points of English lead you astray. I will attempt to re-write one of your pieces in the next week or so and send it to you with the corrections so that you can see what I mean. This is not a criticism - I think that you are amazing in being able to write at all well in your second language - and I would like to try and help.
Yes poetry is a great way of making sense of powerful feelings and expressing oneself, but you also have the ability to imagine and describe.What I find really helpful is to read modern poets that inspire.I have just bought this years Forward book of poetry which has great poems by lots of different people.I also bought a C A Duffy that I hadn't read before.One begins to imagine what one might imagine and how things might be expressed.


"Many women have crushed my heart and putted them on jars of acid" I can't even tell you how fantastic I think this statement is... "some of my poems are about how i killed a woman and resurrected her" Remarkable, really. Maybe killed her and resurrected her, then killed her again? I really do get you, vittorio villasin. Rock on...
sorry for the grammatical errors or spelling errors, but i can tell you that i'm trying my best in writing in english. did some of you like my historical poems? i love history. i love describing what they felt during those times. some of my love poems are pretty full of violence... well, that's the only way i could describe my "darkness inside"

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vittorio villasin. hoy, labas ka mamayang gabi !!! jamming tau!!! alesana


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