My year of writing 200 word short stories is over

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My year of writing 200 word short stories is over

Hello everyone.

In September 2006 I challenged myself to spending the next year writing nothing but stories that were exactly 200 words in length.

200 word short stories are like 7" singles. You've got to get everything into three minutes. If you're lucky people hear it once then want to hear it again straight away.

The year of 200 word short stories finished at 11.59 on Wednesday 26th September 2007.

There are 68 200 word short stories.

I'd love you to have a look at them:

Thank you to everyone who took the time to write to me or comment on any of the stories as I wrote them.

You made me feel like a writer.



Anonymous's picture
Some really good stories in these sets, Mark. Are you relieved the year is over, or a bit sad? I was hooked from this one on: foster.
Congratulations Mark. It's a really awesome achievement. I didn't realise you were doing it for a year - the fact you kept going and produced so many (more than one a week) shows uber-commitment. Also, significantly, they're really good. Well played, sir!
You've got to be either a Virgo or a Capricorn to be so...diligent. Well, are you?
I think that there a lot of real gems in there - but what I'm really interested in is how your writing is going to develop now that you are unleashed. These are incredibly tight and master the art of show and not tell. You were a very good writer before this year but I suspect that you are going to be even better now. I wait with bated breath.
I've dipped in and out of your two-hundred worders over the last year, and enjoyed every minute (second?!) I spent reading your words. I also look forward to seeing where you head next. Lisa
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