How to prepare a perfect murder.

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How to prepare a perfect murder.

Step 1 - Choose a sport you think you're good at.

Step 2 - Train really hard until you perfect it.

Step 3 - Make sure you win either the olympics or become a one of the best in your field.

Step 4 - Turn Professional.

Step 5 - Make sure you make a fortune from sponsors, book sales and public appearances.

Step 6 - Suck up and be seen with influential people, make sure they always get tickets, autographs and valuable bits of kit you've used at prestige events. Don't forget to let them suck up to you so they can be seen with you.

Step 7 - Spend a lot of time and money on children's charities. (Might be a good idea to change that to endangered species at the moment)

Step 8 - Publicize your 'good deeds.'

OK. That's it: now you can kill whoever the fuck you want and get away with it.

I'm cynical? Don't know what you mean.

Don't you have to saw your own legs off first?
Sawing your legs off is one way. Changing your name to OJ also works.


He did not get away with it. He has been put on bail, i.e., he must report to his local police station twice a week and is not allowed anywhere outside Pretoria. Then there will be a retrial in June. The O J Simpson case was completely different. O J did deliberately set out to kill his wife and then drove away from the scene. He disappeared for several months, proving his guilt. Oscar Pistorius did not intend to kill his girlfriend. He just mistook her for a burglar, also a tragic case.


I hope you are right, darlin'


OK, We'll see.


I did jury service once. I thought it was interesting, but an unbelievable waste of money and time. However, seeing this fiasco in SA and no doubt the fiasco of the actual trial with all the media cameras and speculation, plus my (and many poeples') suspicions about corrupt police and judges and big money lawyers, I am thinking the jury system is worth the time and money. It is flawed, but I feel it is less vulnerable than the system of a panel of judges. Look what's happening even in the UK with that idiot MP's wife and her judge 'friend.'