Recovery Songs published today

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Recovery Songs published today

Hi everyone.

My collection, 'Recovery Songs' is published today. It's available at selected bookshops all over the country.

However, you can buy it directly from me  at the link below. It's best to buy it from me insofar that I get a bigger royalty and this will enable me to travel down from Bradford in Yorkshire and appear at the next months ABCTales  reading event. The travel costs are very expensive .The book costs £10.

The book has been getting great reviews and I'd love ABC folk to own a copy. I was one of the first 10 members to the site all those years ago and it has a very special place in my heart.

Thank you for your time.

Ralph x

Got my copy in the post yesterday - thanks Ralph - looking forward to reading it!


bought and look forward to reading. such a talented guy. 


Early ABCtales member here , I remember the regular ABC poetry nights where Ralph performed regularly. Heartening to see him doing well.