Time to stop writing?
Tue, 2001-06-12 20:25
Time to stop writing?
Can I really be this bad? I have been told to stop being so down on myself about my stuff. Well 'Monday Mornings' was poem of the day and has got a superb rating of 2 out of 5 by SEVEN people.
I wrote another story today basically for my flatmates. This gets a 1 out of 5.
So just wondering why I write again? Oh yeah because I am suicidal gent. No really it is quite bemusing. Has me worrying that I am that bad. Please, if people hate my stuff could they give me some constructive criticism.
Thats enough of this rant.
* Thinks are ratings that important*
It's simple Si, If people don't like something they get incredibly aggreived that anyone could acknowledge it!
As one of the cherry pickers I have tried to be impartial, but poetry is a very subjective medium, I know people have passionately hated some of my `cherrying` and poems and stories of the day.
I also know that if it didn't happen life would be even weirder, how can we please everyone?
As you know from the discussion site people did like your poem! I think you are improving all the time, but be encouraged, or I'll burn down your blimming restraunt!
Mark, thanks for the comments. I htink I needed to elt off steam. Andrea and Liana are helping me
Don't be discouraged by 'ratings'. As well intentioned as they are, no rating system is flawless, including the use / misuse by those doing the rating.
First we are looking at 'subjective opinion', next (as far as the ABC rating system goes) a simple 1 to 5 / bad to good can have any number of interpretations. It could be an extremely interesting piece, but so badly written (from grammar / mispelling point of view) that what do you rate it as? It might be a well written piece but the actual subject 'irritates' the 'rater', so they give it a 1 / bad. Finally there is the 'vengeance' rater' who takes a dislike, maybe even 'hatred' towards the writer and hits 1 because it gives them some sense of twisted "I'll show you...." mentality.
I've seen this happen on other sites where some systems allow the reader to leave a comment. If the system is not 'moderated/controlled', the comments degenerate into personal attacks.
In all... don't worry about it... just keep writing!
good points ukpoet ... and i HAVE to ask you this ... have just seen that one of your things that's been up a week has had over a thousand hits! ... what's the secret? ... are you linking to another site?
yours *agog*
i checked the last 10 entered a couple of times today and one of uk's had been hit 40 times in an hour! that's *counts on fingers* twice every 3 minutes!
I hadn't realised there were that many people reading.
Most stories/poems seem to stick,on the first day, at between 0 and 10, the above average ones up to about 40, and the really brilliant stuff up to about 60. Over a period of time those pieces in the latter group, as you rightly pointed out the other day Robert, Get into the 100's.
Pity those readers reading Uk's work don't stick around and read some of the other superb items on this site.
also a shame that none of the ninety odd readers of the one he put on this afternoon bothered to give the piece a rating...
Hi Robert... I just checked out the one you are refering to and also browsed through a number of other writers' posted pieces. I was wondering why some pieces get a very high percentage of rates per read and others don't. The only one reason I can think of, is where a piece gets a lot of reads from folks not subscribed to ABCtales.com
I have to admit I have read a number of pieces on ABCtales.com and not been logged in. Then I have gone to rate and found I have to be logged in to rate. But I think this is a reasonable policy for ABCtales.com to adopt. And this is also what a numbwer of other similar sites do. If you want to rate you have to join and be logged in. That seems fair to me.
Hi Ifb... I have been emailing out ABCtales.com links to a number of my friends and writing colleagues. I know some will ultimately subscribe to ABCtales.com
Hi Stormy... I sure hope those coming to ABCtales.com read a whole mix of postings on this site. I have been reading my way through a whole bunch of postings and also corresponded with a number of the writers.
I checked to see if my webmaster had added the ABCTales.com link to my website, but he has not done so yet.